
calgary weather: extreme cold warning in effect | low forecast to reach -38 c | roads 'extremely icy'

school boards warn of possible transportation delays; agencies work to keep unsheltered people warm; wind chill could dip to minus 50

extreme cold warning for calgary, with lows possibly reaching -38 c
etienne allard from etz mow n plow blows snow around in bowness as the cold snap hits calgary on wednesday, january 10, 2024. darren makowichuk/postmedia

environment canada has issued an extreme cold warning for calgary, as temperatures are forecast to dive to -27 c on thursday morning, and continue to plummet throughout the week .

alysa pederson, meteorologist for alberta with environment and climate change canada, said it’s time to bundle up as a blast of arctic air will come in wednesday night and linger into the weekend.
“(wednesday night), we have temperatures going down to about -26 c; the flurry activity and the cloudiness are still going to stick around, which can cause a little bit of iciness on the highways and the roads around the city,” she said.
pederson said friday morning will see the coldest temperatures, with -32 c and an overnight low of -38 c.
“we haven’t actually had a high temperature in calgary below -30 since 2004,” she said.
pederson stressed if people need to be outside, they should dress appropriately with lots of layers, preferably a wind-resistant outer layer.
 warren hainer is bundled up as he walks his dog on wednesday.
warren hainer is bundled up as he walks his dog on wednesday. darren makowichuk/postmedia
“wind chills by friday and saturday are expected to be around minus-45, and in some places as cold as minus-50,” she said. “when we’re getting that, you really need to cover your skin as much as you can, so wear your scarf and your gloves.”
the meteorologist also advised motorists to put a winterized emergency kit in their vehicle in the event they are stranded.



“even if you have a big blanket you can stick in the back seat, make sure that you have gloves, maybe a candle with some matches,” she said. “if there’s an emergency and you end up stranded on the highway, even a little flame from a little candle can do wonders inside a car to keep it warm until you get help.”
schools are open and student transportation is operating at both of calgary’s school boards, they said yesterday in messages posted to social media and on their websites.
“the extreme cold weather forecast for the remainder of the week will make travelling to and from school more challenging for families,” the calgary board of education said on its website. “families are reminded that extra caution should be taken during the winter months and periods of extreme weather.”
meanwhile, the calgary catholic school district reminded students to be prepared for frigid conditions and transportation delays.
“families should still anticipate and prepare for potential delays in service for the rest of the week,” the ccsd said on its website. “calgary transit school routes will continue to run but may also be delayed.”

road safety: ‘just calm everything down’

alberta motor association chief instructor for driver education mark pasternak said patience is key when it comes to driving in bad weather conditions.



“the simplest rule of everything is to just calm everything down — more space, less speed, looking further ahead and taking your time,” he said.
pasternak said if motorists find themselves in a situation where they do require roadside assistance, using the ama app rather than calling in would help with a quicker response time.
“the simplest thing is to start at home by plugging in your vehicle,” he added. “we always recommend that the range of -15 c and below is kind of the tipping point for when you should plug it in for any vehicle.”
 environment canada weather forecast for the next five days.
environment canada weather forecast for the next five days.

pasternak said plugging in the block heater two to three hours prior to driving should be sufficient to warm up the oil and get things moving.

“before driving, clean off the car as best you can — windows, lights, mirrors, everything,” he said. “so when you do take off, you have visibility without having to stress.”
according to ama, as of wednesday afternoon, there is only a slight increase in service, mostly related to battery services. although a significant increase in service calls is expected by thursday, that will continue through to jan. 15 as the cold spell persists.
the current wait time for a boost is about two hours and six hours for a tow, pasternak said.
 etienne allard from etz mow n plow clears a sidewalk in bowness on wednesday.
etienne allard from etz mow n plow clears a sidewalk in bowness on wednesday. darren makowichuk/postmedia



calgary police staff sgt. colin foster urged taking extra precautions when driving in the next few days.
“the roads are exceptionally icy,” sgt. foster said. “i’ve literally just come from a traffic stop, and i actually had to hold on to a commercial vehicle as i was going around it because the roads are just so icy.
“make sure you’ve got some warm clothing in the car in the event you break down,” sgt. foster said. “if you’re going to leave the city or go outside, it’s always good to give yourself loads and loads of time. but also tell somebody where you’re going and the time you think you’re going to be there, just so people can keep an eye out if you’re overdue.”
between noon wednesday and 7:30 a.m. thursday, there were 132 non-injury collisions, 16 collisions involving minor injuries and 31 non-injury hit-and-run crashes mostly involving parked cars, said calgary police staff sgt. john guigon.
road and weather conditions could cause delays and detours for bus riders, calgary transit warned thursday on its social media channel.
“we are working hard to get you to your destination safely, so please be patient and give yourself extra travel time,” the agency said.
meanwhile, on wednesday afternoon, airdrie rcmp responded to a serious collision involving a semi-truck, snow plow and passenger vehicle in “white-out conditions” just north of veterans boulevard on highway 2. no injuries were reported.

protecting calgary’s vulnerable population

not-for-profit agencies such as the mustard seed and parachutes for pets are also ramping up efforts to assist calgary’s vulnerable population and their pets.



byron bradley, the mustard seed’s senior director of development and government relations, says this type of extreme weather puts lives at risk. the primary focus is to get people out of the cold and into a safe and warm place.
“the vulnerable people that we care for are at such a risk of suffering freezing injuries, and in severe cases it can be life-threatening,” he said. “our downtown warming centre is open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. every day, so people are able to come inside whenever the temperatures get dangerously low.”
 lics ice cream offered a reprieve from the cold snap by advertising hot chocolate outside their store in parkdale on wednesday, january 10, 2024. calgary is expected to hit lows in the low -30c range over the next few days.gavin young/postmedia
lics ice cream offered a reprieve from the cold snap by advertising hot chocolate outside their store in parkdale on wednesday, january 10, 2024. calgary is expected to hit lows in the low -30c range over the next few days.gavin young/postmedia gavin young/postmedia
bradley said a number of the mustard seed’s locations have advocates who go into the streets and look for people in rough camps to encourage them to get into shelters or to find alternative places. he also emphasized the urgent need for donations to help keep people warm.
“all types of winter clothing of all sizes for both men and women — gloves, hats and toques, socks, hand and foot warmers,” he said. “i want people to know that their emergency donations will actually help save lives.”
parachutes for pets, a pet advocacy group serving the local unhoused, is also looking with dread at the forecast.
lauren fettig, communication and fundraising lead for the organization, said there will be a warming shelter at the pet advocacy centre near the chinook lrt station in the southeast.



“people who are unhoused and have pets are more than welcome to come in and get warm for the day,” said fettig. “we have partnered with the calgary homeless foundation and distress centre.”
 parachutes for pets events and warehouse coordinator lauren fettig sits with rocher, a canine client of the organization’s in the warming centre on wednesday, january 10, 2024. parachutes for pets is providing relief and safekeeping for pets of calgary’s unhoused and vulnerable population during the cold snap.
parachutes for pets events and warehouse coordinator lauren fettig sits with rocher, a canine client of the organization’s in the warming centre on wednesday, january 10, 2024. parachutes for pets is providing relief and safekeeping for pets of calgary’s unhoused and vulnerable population during the cold snap. brent calver/postmedia
the centre is open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. from monday to thursday, and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on friday.
“secondly, we have a group of our wonderful volunteers, which we call our angel team — a 24-7 response call centre,” she said. “if you are in need overnight, you need assistance and you have a pet, we are there to help.”
fettig said the organization had already received seven calls tuesday night and expects more in the coming days.
“the third thing we do is pet safekeeping,” she said. “that includes finding places for people to stay overnight; if they are able to get to hotels or motels, we will get them there and pay for that.”
fettig said another option is to keep the pet overnight.
“we have partnering kennels that house the pets for us,” she said. “that way, people can find somewhere warm to go overnight if they can’t take their pet with them.”


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