
groupm canada ceo on making advertising better, for everyone

'when i grew up in the industry, (the target audience) was adults 25-54 and off we went. that’s not canada,' says kevin johnson

groupm canada ceo on making advertising better, for everyone
kevin johnson, ceo, groupm. courtesy groupm jpg
like their partners in the canadian news industry, the country’s media agencies are undergoing unprecedented transformation. the national post is holding conversations with leaders of canada’s largest agencies on the fast-changing fundamentals, and where the business is going next. this week, kevin johnson, ceo of groupm canada, speaks to writer rebecca harris.

how have the fundamentals of the business changed in the last few years?

one of the biggest changes we’ve seen within the media buying and planning area is the increased focus around performance (or results-based) tactics. we’re seeing a lot more attention applied to ‘lower-funnel’ tactics (which drive consumer purchases) versus some of the more popular trends around focusing on awareness and favourability. so, we’re almost seeing a flip in terms of the attention moving away from awareness and onto performance. we’re also seeing the continued acceleration over the last 10 years from traditional to more digital, programmatic and now addressable media.

how is your company responding and adapting?

we are trying to make sure that we’re always moving and addressing some of the larger needs with our clients. an example of that is we’ve recently merged groupm nexus (groupm united its addressable content and tv, ai technology and omnichannel solutions into a single unit), which (means) all our digital teams are now singularly focused on performance media. and so, no longer within our organization do you have these very niche and nuanced experts. we’re bringing it together because ultimately … clients just want advice about how to invest (their media budget), where to invest, and how (those investments) are driving outcomes and results.

can you talk a bit more about what clients are asking for these days?



they want cross-channel measurement or the ability to understand holistically how all of those channels are working together. they also want more consumer-centric plans and i’ll lean into that a little bit because i think we as an industry and we as groupm need to support the marketing community in a stronger way when we talk about reaching a more diverse audience… when i grew up in the industry, (the target audience) was adults 25-54 and off we went. that’s not canada. canada is ‘one of the most diverse countries in the world’ and so we think about the immigration that’s happening and the multi-cultural effects that are happening.
i think about my own family. i’m a first-generation canadian from a jamaican family that has 30 of us scattered throughout toronto. and so, our mission (at groupm) is about delivering responsible media and making advertising better for people. when we think about that, it’s all people. it’s the jamaican community, it’s the asian community — first-, second- or third-generation — and how are they responding to advertising.

is this a conversation your agency is driving with your clients, or is it coming from clients?

well, it’s both. what we saw just after george floyd was a groundswell. and first, we started to see pressure to hold producers, media owners and publishers accountable for creating more representation as it relates to content. (now), it’s important for our industry to start driving diverse voices as we think about media sources, so making sure that we’re creating more diverse media channels [and have] more diverse media owners to further fill out that ecosystem.

how successful have you been so far at making positive change?



as it relates to addressing and connecting with the multicultural or diverse communities in canada, groupm has committed a percentage of all our dollars to be spent within diverse media owners that speak to these communities. (called the media inclusion initiative, the pledge invites brands to invest at least 2% of their annual media budgets in canada across media owners and publishers that serve diverse audiences.) and so, making that pledge has put our stake in the ground and making sure we’re living that commitment.
we’re also having a lot of conversations around talent … we saw over the last few years that most of the industry was going back to the same well: traditionally going to universities and colleges to (find) the best and brightest. and that’s fine, but what we’re doing now is adding another layer. it goes back to our mission. we’re now making sure that we’re going to untapped (talent). groupm is now in our second year of spearheading something we call launch pad. launch pad is a 10-week training program that brings in people from diverse communities, trains them free of charge, and then places them right into our three agencies. and so, that has really helped us in living out our mission, but also bringing in new and different experiences that will help build out the new generation of products for our clients.

what’s your forecast for the landscape six months or a year from now?



i think some of the same themes will continue over the next year, if not more, which is our world and our business will continue to become more hyper-customized, more commerce-based and hyper-intelligent, recognizing that ai continues to grow and affect our world. i think clients and agencies will continue to try and find better and more effective ways of connecting with consumers and audiences based on interests. (finally), i don’t think we’ve able to fully tackle how to effectively use data and i think we’ll continue to see tools and strategies around data and using it in a very simple and concise way.

read the rest of the series of conversations with leaders of canada’s largest media agencies on where the business is going next: 

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