
chelsea issues boil-water advisory due to repair work on municipal aqueduct

authorities in chelsea have issued a boil-water advisor...

boil water advisory issued in chelsea
boil water advisory file postmedia
authorities in chelsea have issued a boil-water advisory to residents of the outaoauis town due to an emergency repair to the town’s aqueduct system.
residents using the town’s water system must boil their water for at least one minute before consuming it, the town says on its webpage.
residents are also asked to reduce their consumption of drinking water from the system.
the town advised boiled or bottled water be used for formula, bottles and baby food, washing raw vegetables and fruit, beverages (including coffee), washing dishes and brushing teeth and rinsing mouths. please discard all food, including ice, prepared with tap water after the date and time of this advisory.
it also recommended that pets be given previously boiled and cooled water.
during the repair period, users may “experience cloudy water and a drop in water pressure throughout the network.”
there was no time limit given on the advisory.
“as soon as the situation is restored, an email will be sent, in addition to messages on the various municipal platforms to warn citizens,” the city said.
for more information, contact the city at 819-827-1160.
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