
kidnap victim rolled out of car in ville-marie tunnel to escape captors

multiple 911 calls reported an injured and tied-up man lying in the tunnel near the atwater ave. exit.

kidnap victim rolled out of car in ville-marie tunnel to escape captors
postmedia files
a 20-year-old kidnap victim was recovering from serious but non-life-threatening injuries in a hospital tuesday after he escaped his captors monday night by rolling out of a car in the ville-marie tunnel.
montreal police spokesperson véronique dubuc said multiple 911 calls were received around 8:40 p.m. reporting an injured and tied-up man was lying on the pavement of the thoroughfare near the atwater ave. exit.
dubuc said a preliminary investigation determined the man had been abducted monday night in the city’s centre-sud district before he made his escape.
no arrests have been made and the search for the vehicle involved is continuing.
dubuc said a motive has yet to be established for the kidnapping and would not confirm a news report suggesting the incident was related to street gangs.


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