
patients with aggressive blood cancers given "transformative option" for treatment

according to the canadian cancer society, about 10,400 canadians are diagnosed with non-hodgkin lymphoma every year.

the ottawa hospital has become one of only two sites in ontario to offer an expensive, cutting-edge treatment to patients with aggressive forms of non-hodgkin lymphoma.
the availability of the new car t-cell therapy — a personalized form of immunotherapy — offers new hope to patients previously offered only palliative care.
“this really is a paradigm shift in cancer care,” said dr. michael kennah, a hematologist at the ottawa hospital.
the new therapy, marketed under the brand name yescarta, is the second chimeric antigen receptor (car) t-cell therapy to be approved for use in ontario.
both are now offered at the ottawa hospital. the two therapies, kymriah and yescarta, cost hundreds of thousands of dollars for one-time treatments, although an exact price has not yet been made public in canada.
yescarta will be available only to a select number of relapsed blood cancer patients and those with particularly aggressive forms of non-hodgkin lymphoma, such as diffuse large b-cell lymphoma (dlbcl).
“for patients who have relapsed or who have not responded to treatment, it really provides a transformative option,” said antonella rizza, chief executive officer of lymphoma canada. “these patients were previously facing a dire prognosis.”



non-hodgkin lymphoma is a cancer that starts in the lymphatic system, the body’s disease and infection-fighting network. tumours develop from white blood cells called lymphocytes.
conventional treatments include radiation, chemotherapy and other drug therapies; some patients may also undergo stem cell transplants. car t-cell therapy offers an important new option to the minority of people whose cancer resists those treatments.
according to the canadian cancer society, about 10,400 canadians are diagnosed with non-hodgkin lymphoma every year.
health canada approved yescarta as a treatment in february 2019 based on encouraging data from a clinical trial and two years of follow-up studies with enrolled patients, all of whom had aggressive forms of non-hodgkin lymphoma. in the past, adult patients with recurrent or treatment-resistant lymphoma survived an average of six months.
the study found that 74 per cent of 101 adult patients treated once with yescarta responded to the therapy and that 54 per cent achieved complete remission.
“it’s certainly very impressive,” dr. kennah said of the clinical trial results. “these immune-based therapies have really revolutionized the field and have shown these long-term, durable remissions.”



the yescarta car t-cell therapy is a high-tech form of personalized medicine that employs the power of the body’s immune system in the fight against a patient’s cancer.
as part of the therapy, t-cells are first separated from a patient’s blood using a special machine, then the cells are sent to a u.s. lab, where they’re genetically re-engineered. an inactive virus is used to insert genes into them, which create artificial receptors — chimeric antigen receptors (cars) — on the cells. the receptors equip the t-cells with the ability to recognize and attack a specific protein on the patient’s tumour cells.
the new and improved t-cells are multiplied in a lab so that hundreds of millions of them can later be infused back into the patient.
the therapy can trigger potentially deadly side effects, including something called cytokine release syndrome (crs), in which dangerous levels of cytokines — a chemical messenger — are released into the bloodstream.
the potential for serious side effects means most people are given the treatments as hospital in-patients.
“it’s a procedure done with close medical care,” kennah said.
ottawa hospital staff went through extensive site training in order to be certified to deliver the two car t-cell therapies.



about 100 patients a year are diagnosed with diffuse large b-cell lymphoma at the ottawa hospital, kennah said, and about 20 of those resist frontline and secondary therapies. some of those patients would now be eligible for yescarta.
hundreds of studies are being conducted worldwide, kennah added, to determine what lymphoma patients make the best candidates for car t-cell therapy and when it’s optimal for them to be treated.
“we want to be able to deliver it with the greatest medical benefit, but also with a favourable financial risk profile — especially in the context of the canadian system,” he said.
the cost of the new therapies presents a challenge to cash-strapped provincial governments. currently, only ontario, alberta and quebec finance the cost of kymriah. ontario is the first to fund yescarta.
four hospitals in ontario are now certified to use kymriah, a car t-cell therapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children and young adults who have not responded to conventional therapies. kymriah can also be used to treat an aggressive form of non-hodgkin lymphoma.
lymphoma canada’s rizza said ensuring access to the revolutionary new treatments “needs to be a priority for all provincial governments.”



in the u.s., the drug firm novartis, maker of kymriah, has charged as much as $475,000 to treat acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children. yescarta, produced by a subsidiary of gilead sciences inc., has been priced at $373,000 in the u.s.
andrew duffy
andrew duffy

a hamilton native, andrew duffy has worked at five news organizations where he has won five national newspaper awards for feature writing and work on breaking news, investigative and special projects.

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