
turns out, ottawa's much-touted stillbirth leave only covers 3 days

legislation gives eight weeks off in federally regulated industries, but it would be mostly unpaid. not nearly good enough, one advocate says

turns out, ottawa’s much-touted stillbirth leave only covers 3 days
"for a lot of people who've experienced pregnancy or infant loss, three days isn't even enough time to move through the physical part of the loss," said aditi loveridge, the founder of the pregnancy and infant loss support centre, an alberta-based charity. jasper jacobs / getty image
ottawa — the liberal government is promising paid leave to help workers recover from a lost pregnancy, but details in the legislation reveal the new benefit would pay wages for only the first three days of a maximum eight weeks off.
the benefit would be available to employees in federally regulated industries such as telecommunications, banking and transportation. it was first announced in the federal budget in march and again in last month’s fall economic statement.
“every parent should have time to heal from the painful loss of a pregnancy,” deputy prime minister and finance minister chrystia freeland told the house of commons after tabling the statement on nov. 21.
although workers could take eight weeks off if the pregnancy ends in a stillbirth, any time beyond three days would be considered a leave of absence without pay, according to amendments to the canada labour code tabled last week.
“for a lot of people who’ve experienced pregnancy or infant loss, three days isn’t even enough time to move through the physical part of the loss,” said aditi loveridge, the founder of the pregnancy and infant loss support centre, an alberta-based charity.
she says the physical recovery can be difficult, especially in longer pregnancies that require inducement of a fetus that has died, and the grief can take far longer to process.



while loveridge welcomes any help for people dealing with the loss of a pregnancy, she says offering mostly unpaid leave will pressure workers to return before they’re ready.
“there’s so many people who are in positions where they simply cannot afford to take more time off. pregnancy and infant loss deeply impacts people and how they show up at work. and if they’re going back to work too soon, a lot of those workers end up leaving those positions.”
she thinks three weeks of paid leave would be more reasonable and ensure that prospective parents have enough time to recover.
some workers, however, could qualify for employment insurance for time off, either as sickness benefits if the pregnancy ends before 20 weeks or maternity benefits for longer lost pregnancies.
loveridge says that the ei process for claiming a lost pregnancy can be slow and confusing, especially for immigrants who are unfamiliar with the red tape involved.
the leave proposed by the liberal government would also be available to federal workers whose spouse or common-law partner loses a pregnancy, and to prospective parents of a child who would have been born to a surrogate.
the bill to implement it is still before parliament and has not yet been studied by the house of commons finance committee.



eight weeks of bereavement leave was proposed in a 2021 private member’s bill sponsored by calgary conservative mp tom kmiec, whose daughter had died at 39 days after birth. the substance of his bill was later added to government legislation and passed into law with support from liberals.
to qualify for the eight weeks, the fetus must have been stillborn after reaching a mass of 500 grams or a gestation of at least 20 weeks.
the legislation includes a graphic definition of stillbirth as”the complete expulsion or extraction… without any breathing, beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord or movement of voluntary muscle from the fetus after the expulsion or extraction.”
but a pregnancy that ends before 20 weeks — just past the halfway point of a typical gestation — could still be eligible for three days of paid leave, even if it is terminated surgically, a point not lost on anti-abortion groups.
“if the liberal government admits that abortion is a form of pregnancy loss that requires time off to grieve and heal, then why is it continuing to fund and make abortion more accessible to women when it only harms them, causing pain and trauma?” said campaign life coalition national president jeff gunnarson in an emailed statement.



gunnarson said the proposed amendments are also “broad enough to apply to women who have had a late-term abortion after 20 weeks.”
but pro-choice advocates say the vast majority of surgical abortions in canada would not qualify, as most are performed well before the 20-week mark of a pregnancy.
“i think something like over 90 per cent are done before 16 weeks so you’re talking a very, very small number,” said joyce arthur, executive director of the abortion rights coalition of canada.
abortions after 20 weeks are usually done for fetal abnormality or other pressing medical reasons, she said.
when the alberta government last year added three days of unpaid pregnancy loss to bereavement provisions in its labour law, loveridge successfully pressed to broaden the criteria beyond miscarriages and stillbirths.
“i advocated for it to say ‘pregnancy loss,’ specifically, so that it could include folks that are terminating for medical reasons or those that are having abortions.”
the liberal government adopted the definition of stillbirth that statistics canada uses to track the approximately 3,000 pregnancies that end in fetal death every year. the data are an important metric often used to compare the health of people around the world.



the definition was drawn on language from the world health organization, which considers a baby born with no signs of life at or after 22 weeks to be stillborn. the who notes different countries use varying definitions, with most classifying shorter lost pregnancies as miscarriages.
this clinical definition of a stillbirth is used in other jurisdictions and is written into labour codes in provinces that offer workers unpaid leaves for pregnancy loss.
but gunnarson says the wording is important for those who oppose abortion.
“this kind of language can only help the pro-life cause since many of our arguments about why life should be protected in the womb have to do with recognizing the humanity of the baby,” he said.
arthur says the definition is reasonable and she doesn’t expect anti-abortion groups will be able to capitalize on it.
”it’s not departing from any norms. it’s not introducing any new concepts. and so in that sense, i’m not worried about it.”

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