
symptomatic testing will be available to all ontario pharmacies: pharmacist association head

"we are confident this can be done safely and effectively."

symptomatic testing will be available to all ontario pharmacies
pharmacist adam doyle administers a dose of the astrazeneca covid-19 vaccine at a shoppers drug mart in kingston. meghan balogh / postmedia
as many as 1,000 pharmacies across ontario could soon be offering covid-19 testing to people with symptoms, according to the head of the ontario pharmacists association.
premier doug ford confirmed this week that the ontario government plans to allow pharmacies, which are now limited to asymptomatic covid-19 testing, to begin offering testing to symptomatic people. during a press conference, ford said the change is being made because of high rates of vaccination across the province, indoor masking policies and other protocols.
the plan, which has not yet been formally announced, has sparked outrage from some who fear it ignores the reality of aerosol spread of covid-19 and will put vulnerable customers who are in stores at the same time at risk.
on wednesday, ndp leader andrea horwath called for a pause in the plan “until the risks and safety protocols can be clarified.
“pharmacies need to be safe for seniors, immunocompromised people and parents with unvaccinated little ones, who all need and deserve to get their prescriptions without extra fear of being exposed to covid,” she said in a statement.
justin bates, who heads the ontario pharmacists association, said the plan was safe.
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“we are confident this can be done safely and effectively.”
he said pharmacists had been in talks with government officials for months, including with health experts.
“this has been vetted by public health experts.”
the guidelines will include the use of hepa filters and having optimum air flow and ventilation. not all pharmacies will meet those requirements, he said.
bates said the option to expand testing would be made available to every pharmacy in the province. of 4,700 pharmacies, bates said he expected up to 1,000 to participate, depending on their size, ventilation and willingness. he said the program would not be limited to the shoppers drug mart chain, as some reports have suggested.
currently, 211 pharmacies offer asymptomatic testing. the expanded program could quadruple the number of pharmacies involved with covid-19 testing, bates said.
he said some pharmacies would offer take-home tests, which can then be dropped off at the pharmacy. others might do testing outdoors.
bates said the threat of being in the same space with someone who was covid-19-positive already existed. a small percentage of people who are asymptomatic and get tested in pharmacies prove to be positive, he said.
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“that threat exists today. shoppers going into any retail setting wearing a mask could be symptomatic,” he said. “there are risks in everything we do.”
bates said the program would include many steps to mitigate any risk.
in addition to masking and improved ventilation, bates said testing would be done by appointment only and there would be signs visible from the outside identifying the store as a covid-19 testing site. traffic flows for those getting tested and other customers “will not co-mingle.”
bates said the formal announcement, which should come later this week, would contain more details.
the federal government has recently increased its messaging about the risk of aerosol spread of covid-19, similar to second-hand smoke.
critics say the plan to allow symptomatic covid-19 patients into drug stores to be tested is a sign of the province’s continued culture of denial about airborne spread of the virus.


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