
'very unsafe': fda warns against cooking chicken in nyquil for tiktok challenge

'boiling a medication can make it much more concentrated and change its properties in other ways,' says the fda

a social media challenge that involves cooking chicken in cold and flu medicine nyquil is extremely harmful, the united states food and drug administration warns.
the trend is popular on tiktok, with users uploading videos with the hashtag #sleepychicken.
“the challenge sounds silly and unappetizing — and it is. but it could also be very unsafe,” the fda said in a statement. “boiling a medication can make it much more concentrated and change its properties in other ways.”
it could also lead to high levels of the drug entering the body because of the vapours, they said, which may damage the lungs as well. it is important to use medications as they are intended, they said.
“these video challenges, which often target youths, can harm people — and even cause death,” said the fda.
this isn’t the first time the fda has warned the public about the dangers of a social media trend. in 2020, they urged people not to do the “benadryl challenge,” which entails taking a higher than normal dose of the drug in order to hallucinate.
due to the number of reports of teens going to emergency rooms, or dying, because of such trends, the fda decided to issue a statement.
another trend that made headlines was the “tide pod challenge.” it exploded on social media in 2018 with videos of people swallowing the laundry detergent packets. the company itself warned against consuming them. they made a video featuring american football player rob gronkowski.



“what should tide pods be used for? doing laundry. nothing else,” they wrote on twitter. “eating a tide pod is a bad idea.”
even got involved after seeing the warnings for the latest tiktok challenge online.
“please don’t make us add ‘nyquil chicken’ to the dictionary,” they wrote in a tweet. “please don’t cook your chicken with nyquil.”

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