
chinese influencer dies in weight loss camp after losing 80 pounds

'thank you to everyone for your support and love. our child has gone to heaven, and we are still processing all of this'

chinese influencer dies after losing 80 pounds in weight loss camp
cuihua said she lost nearly 90 pounds over eight months due to her strict diet and exercise. getty
a chinese social media influencer who endeavoured to shed 200 pounds has tragically died, her family revealed.
the 21-year-old influencer, who went by cuihua, had expressed discomfort exercising while enrolled in a live-in weight loss camp in china’s shaanxi province. cuihua insisted on high-intensity exercises at the camp, giving it her all and eating “very little,” before her death on saturday, according to shanghai morning news.

“thank you to everyone for your support and love for cuihua. our child has gone to heaven, and we are still processing all of this,” her family wrote on the influencer’s social media page .

“we hope that people won’t be misguided by malicious individuals for their entertainment, which could harm parents and family. let our child rest in peace, thank you!” they wrote, according to a translation from insider .

she began documenting her life at the weight loss camps in 2022, amassing more than 9,000 followers. her recent videos, which have now been made private, showed her doing strength training and cardio exercises and battle ropes, according to sixth tone .

cuihua said she lost nearly 90 pounds over eight months due to her strict diet and exercise. in one video, cuihua said she consumed very little food, with her diet consisting mostly of grains, cabbages, eggs, and fruit.



the last few months saw her appearing in promotional videos for weight loss camps and their fitness coaches.
approximately half of adults in china are overweight and nearly one in 10 are obese, according to a 2020 national health report. bootcamps in which participants stay on site and focus completely on the weightloss have been popular in the country for more than a decade, but the method remains controversial.
critics argue that the camp’s focus on extreme exertion and drastic weight loss is unhealthy, unmanageable and can wear on the participants.

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