
greta thunberg speech hijacked by climate protester when topic turns to israel-hamas

greta thunberg tried to bring politics into a weekend d...

greta thunberg tried to bring politics into a weekend demonstration but one protester was not having it.
the climate activist was on stage sunday in amsterdam speaking to a crowd of thousands when she asked two women – one palestinian, the other afghan – to join her.
“as a climate justice movement, we have to listen to the voices of those who are being oppressed and those who are fighting for freedom and for justice,” thunberg said.
“otherwise, there can be no climate justice without international solidarity.”
the two women spoke and thunberg resumed her speech, noting that “the people in power have not been listening.”
a man then came on stage and grabbed the microphone from her.
“i have come here for a climate demonstration, not a political view,” he said, before he was ushered from the stage amid boos from the crowd.

the afghan woman, sahar shirzad, told the associated press that thunberg wanted to give her time to the two women.

 swedish climate activist greta thunberg (r) and dutch-afghan sahar shirzad attend a march for climate and justice, in amsterdam, on nov. 12, 2023. (robin utrecht/anp/afp/getty images)
swedish climate activist greta thunberg (r) and dutch-afghan sahar shirzad attend a march for climate and justice, in amsterdam, on nov. 12, 2023. (robin utrecht/anp/afp/getty images) robin utrecht/anp/afp / getty images
that interruption followed a small group of activists near the stage who also disrupted the event by chanting pro-palestinian slogans and waving palestinian flags before thunberg got on stage.

last month, thunberg was slammed by the state of israel after she posted a photo with three others and shared their support of palestinians.



“today we strike in solidarity with palestine and gaza,” thunberg wrote on x. “the world needs to speak up and call for an immediate ceasefire, justice and freedom for palestinians and all civilians affected.”
israel’s x account, managed by its ministry of foreign affairs, fired back: “@gretathunberg, hamas doesn’t use sustainable materials for their rockets which have butchered innocent israelis. the victims of the hamas massacre could have been your friends. speak up.”
denette wilford
denette wilford

denette wilford is a multimedia journalist at the toronto sun. she began her career at tv guide canada before going freelance for more than a decade, writing for huffington post, food network, etalk, hgtv, 24 hours toronto, and raptors, leafs and toronto fc magazines until landing at the sun, where aside from writing anything and everything, she also brings you your midday sun newsletter every weekday.

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