
kinsella: tiktok a sewer pipe spreading jew-hatred to gen z

the social media tool used by the chinese regime to destabilize democracy poses a real and present danger

places of higher learning?
places that are stomach-churning, more like.
we refer to campuses all over north america, of course. since oct. 7, far too many students at university, college and high school campuses have blamed hamas’ victims, not hamas. they have promoted hatred, not opposed hatred.
on wednesday, thousands of students at more than 100 universities across the united states and canada protested “fascists and zionists,” said the world socialist web site.
in canada, police were called in to escort jewish students at mcgill university away from a big anti-israel protest. security has been enhanced to protect jewish students at three british columbia universities: ubc, simon fraser and u vic.
three york university students’ associations published pro-hamas statements, and refused to retract, even after it was pointed out that hamas raped, tortured and murdered more than 1,400 jews – and kidnapped hundreds more.
on thursday, hundreds of high school students walked out of classes across the toronto district school board to wave palestinian flags and attack the jewish state.
and this short summary doesn’t even include the multiple death threats and assaults that have been happening on campuses across north america – motivated by jew-hatred.



why is this happening?
bad parenting, possibly. hateful professors and instructors, to be sure. but, more than any other factor, generation z – that is, those born in 1996 and later – are being targeted by anti-semitic and extremist organizations online. and the statistics tell a disturbing story.
according to a poll conducted by harvard university (which itself has had no shortage of anti-semitic student activity), more than 50% of americans between 18 and 24 believe hamas’ pogroms were “justified.”
where are those young people getting their information? from the chinese-regime-run tiktok.
tiktok is the search engine they use, more than google or any other. the european union, unlike canada, has demanded this week that tiktok detail the efforts they are making to curb pro-hamas propaganda.
so far, tiktok hasn’t responded.
when one u.s. researcher engaged with just one tiktok post on the israel-hamas war, his feed was almost immediately overwhelmed with anti-israel messages. he looked at the resulting data, and found that “tiktok is being controlled by anti-israel bot farms – much of which is paid for by hamas-supporting organizations.
if you look even deeper, you can see why israel is losing the information war among young people. among the ever-important hashtags, for example, #standwithisrael” got two million views. meanwhile, #standwithpalestine got an extraordinary 37.7 million – almost twenty times as many.



it gets worse: because tiktok is now so overwhelmingly anti-israel, its engagement flywheel – which online platforms use to increase momentum and profit – encourages more and more anti-semitic content to attract eyeballs.
this, perhaps more than anything else, helps to explain why white, affluent, under-educated high school students who have never set foot in israel – from san francisco to toronto – have embraced extremist messages. their primary source of news and information is a sewer pipe for jew-hatred.
this writer has written in the past that tiktok needs to be banned in the west because it has been shown to be a tool used by the chinese regime to destabilize democracy. it is a real and present danger.
so too, now, with our young people. right now, the minds of our youth are being poisoned with toxic, hateful messaging – messages that are deeply and unabashedly anti-semitic. not enough is being done to counter it.
the nazi propaganda minister, joseph goebbels, once said this: “think of the press as a great keyboard on which (we) can play.”
well, the press has since been replaced by tiktok and its ilk. it has been replaced by digital devices that every single gen z kid carries with them.



and it is like a snake, spitting lies and hate.


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