
editorial submissions

at healthing, we welcome diverse voices and perspectives on health and wellness. we’re interested in submissions that shed light on the real-life experiences.

typing, reading and woman in home office with laptop, research and checking email for web project. remote work, report and freelance writer at desk with computer, business planning and online article getty images
at healthing, we welcome diverse voices and perspectives on health and wellness. we’re interested in submissions that shed light on the real-life experiences of those navigating health challenges, as well as insights from professionals on the shifting landscape of healthcare. we consider reported stories, opinion pieces, and on occasion, pitches for longer essays or in-depth investigations.

submission guidelines

to help us review your submission efficiently, please paste your work directly into the body of your email, along with the following details:
  • bio: a one-sentence bio outlining your relevant expertise or background.
  • summary: a one- to two-paragraph summary of your story idea or completed work.
  • contact information: please include a return email address and a phone number where we can reach you.

requirements for contributions

  • all contributions must be original, previously unpublished work.
  • facts and quotations should be attributed to original sources, either directly in the text or via clear annotations.
please send your submissions to

what we’re looking for

we seek unique, well-crafted perspectives on health and wellness. here are some of the topics and viewpoints we’re especially interested in:
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  • personal stories: reflections on the personal journey of living with health challenges or supporting someone who does, including insights into the psychology of illness and recovery, the social and emotional impacts, and the gaps or barriers encountered along the way.
  • innovative ideas: bold, solution-oriented ideas for addressing healthcare gaps, improving patient outcomes, and redefining approaches to care.
  • expert perspectives: thoughtful commentary from healthcare professionals on the current culture of care, debates surrounding new research and treatments, and insight into the critical issues shaping the future of health.
  • diversity of experience: we value contributions that highlight varied experiences and viewpoints, reflecting the wide-ranging impacts of health challenges across different communities and demographics.
if you have a unique perspective, an untold story, or an idea that could spark meaningful conversation around health, we’d love to hear from you.


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