
about us

welcome to healthing. get ready to be inspired, in a better health kind of way.

about us

welcome to healthing, a place for trending 世界杯决赛2022 and credible information, but also a destination for inspiration, advocacy, connection and real-life stories.

we are passionate about lived experience and giving a voice to people who face illness, trauma and loss, and also recovery and survival — stories that help others move forward. stories that spark that thing in all of us that makes us want to reach out, get loud, speak up and make change happen.
just as important is our focus on credible, expert information to help you manage your health, and the health of the people you care about. our top-notch journalists go grassroots, talking to those on the frontlines of disease — healthcare providers, advocates, industry, policymakers, patients and caregivers — to bring you fresh, honest, and informative firsthand perspectives on living with illness, advocating for change and shaping policy.

we also value our partnerships . from patient and advocacy associations, educational institutions, government and industry partners, healthing’s verified voices program is a growing network of resources that complement our already robust coverage of health and wellness. we are dedicated to supporting organizations that work hard to make life better for canadians, and whether their mission is disease awareness or influencing policy, healthing is committed to helping them tell their stories and share their knowledge — not only because you should hear about it, but because it’s the right thing to do.



sound like we are doing a lot? absolutely. and it’s amazing.
it’s nice to see you here.

the healthing team

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