
allergies a cause of springtime suffering for millennia

six million canadians are estimated to have mild to severe allergic rhinitis with more than two million suffering from asthma

allergies a cause of springtime suffering for millennia
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by: iris winston – postmedia content works
allergies have been called the epidemic of the 21st century. in fact, sensitivities to various foods, plants, dust particles, mould and some medications have been in existence since they were first recognized in the distant past.
the first pharaoh of egypt is said to have died as the result of a wasp sting and the son of the roman emperor claudius, tiberius claudius caesar britannicus, is reported to have developed a severe rash whenever he was close to horses.
in more recent history, physicians became aware of hay fever — initially so named in the early 19th century because it occurred during the haying season. symptoms of this inflammation of the nasal area, now known as allergic rhinitis, include a runny or stuffed nose, sneezing, swollen, itchy and watery eyes, caused by an over-reaction of the immune system to airborne particles such as pollen, dust mites, mould and animal dander.
by the time the term ‘allergy’ was first used — by austrian pediatrician clemens von pirquet in 1906 — medical research into the causes of allergic rhinitis and adverse reactions to some foods and medications was progressing. over the years, particularly in the modern era, both the recognition and the occurrence of allergic reactions have risen markedly. for example, in a recent report, allergist and clinical immunologist dr. susan waserman of mcmaster university, hamilton, says,



some six million canadians are estimated to have mild to severe allergic rhinitis with more than two million suffering from asthma (one of the most common causes of emergency department visits, as well as school and work absenteeism.)
almonte pharmacist jean-paul legault says he expects the number of prescriptions and over-the-counter remedies for seasonal allergies to rise through the spring along with the spread of pollen and ragweed, as usual.
“our bodies develop a defensive reaction that can be as minor as an itch, a sneeze or a rash or as severe as anaphylactic shock in which the throat closes, the tongue and lips swell and the person cannot breathe and may die,” he explains, adding that the number of people reporting allergies of all kinds is becoming increasingly frequent.
toronto pharmacist manoo seth also says that he is aware of major increases in allergies, particularly in the last few years.
“there seem to be multiple causes for the increase that could include genetics, environmental pollution, increased industrialization, even global warming and population growth,” he says, noting that allergic reactions vary across the country along with different plant populations and seasonal timing. (there is no ragweed west of the rockies, for instance.)



“because the population has increased, there are simply more people who may be allergic,” says legault. “and there are more things to be allergic to in terms of greater exposure to synthetic substances, undeclared by-products and residuals.”
a wide variety of treatment options are available to help allergy sufferers. depending on the severity of their symptoms and after consulting their physicians, they may opt for allergy testing and treatment via a series of injections designed to reduce sensitivity to the particular triggers and allergens affecting specific individuals. in addition, anyone who may be at risk of anaphylactic shock must have the prescribed medical remedy at hand at all times.
those with less severe symptoms or frequent triggers may decide to use such over-the-counter medications as short-term or long-acting antihistamines only. antihistamines can relieve symptoms for individuals with nasal congestion and other symptoms caused by plants, dust mites or animal dander. (unlike the earliest incarnations of these medications, most antihistamines currently available do not cause drowsiness.)
a different approach to treating allergies is through the use of corticosteroids, which arrest allergic reactions through direct application of a nasal spray. highly effective for seasonal allergies in particular, this type of treatment is now available in canada.



in combination with consultation with healthcare professionals, allergy sufferers can manage their symptoms in a variety of ways, as noted in recently updated clinical guidelines (developed by the joint task force on practice parameters, published in the annals of allergy, asthma and immunology in november 2017).
key recommendations in the guidelines suggest that “clinicians should routinely prescribe monotherapy with an intranasal corticosteroid” and that patients with moderate to severe allergic rhinitis symptoms should be treated with a combination of an intranasal corticosteroid and an antihistamine for their initial treatment.
the medication prescribed for a patient depends on the individual’s condition, notes seth, pointing out that intranasal steroids cover “a good variety of symptoms.”

he adds, “when it comes to a corticosteroid that can be dispensed over the counter, flonase is one of the best on the market.”

this story was created by content works, postmedia’s commercial content division, on behalf of flonase.


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