a non-smoker, taylor was normally well, except for occasional bouts of sciatic nerve pain and tinnitus, or ringing in the ears.
after three months of symptoms, he saw his gp but a chest x-ray came back “normal.”
“i started getting dizzy spells on exertion,” taylor, now 45, wrote in a first-person perspective published by the journal. the software engineer was signed off work and spent most of his time asleep.
during the day, he slept on the sofa. “we thought the best thing at night would be to get upstairs to bed,” taylor said when reached at his home tuesday. it took 30 minutes to climb the stairs. “a couple of steps on the staircase and i was really feeling quite dizzy and sick, and i’d sit down and take five minutes to muster up the will to tackle another couple of steps.”
“of course, we didn’t know at the time that by me going to bed, i was actually making the problem worse.” he woke constantly at night feeling breathless, as if he was suffocating.
feather duvet lung results from inhaling organic dust from duck or goose feathers found in duvets and pillows.
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taylor’s gp called dempsey for advice. during the phone call, dempsey pulled up taylor’s chest x-ray on his computer screen, the one initially reported as normal.
lungs normally look fairly black. not jet black, “but they look pretty black,” dempsey said. taylor’s looked grey.