corinne schelle (right) with her son, crosby (centre) and husband adam (left), who shaved his hair in solidarity after lost her hair.
adam and kev photography
schelle and her husband, adam, decided they would do as much as they could to live a cleaner lifestyle to ensure their son wouldn’t go through any sort of similar ordeal. they started exercising, sleeping better, reducing stress, and eating cleaner foods so they could live as healthy a life as possible. and to reduce stress, they left their home in vancouver — canada’s most expensive city — and moved to kamloops, a mountainous town in the interior of british columbia.“it was important for us to raise our son in a place we could afford and have him grow up with a house, a backyard and access to nature,” she says. “it’s been a big shift. we’ll go back to the city for good sushi and restaurants, but we couldn’t be happier up here.”the move got a hundred times better when schelle’s brother, his wife and five children uprooted their lives in ontario and also moved to kamloops. soon after, her parents also relocated to b.c.“it’s been one great thing after another following six months of hell,” she says, calling the fact that her son has five cousins living so close ‘magical.’ “i think it was an eye-opener—not only for my husband and son—but also for my extended family that life is short and you need to be with the people you love.”
cancer recovery is about more than treatment
one of the biggest surprises she received during treatment came from her best friend, who had contacted schelle’s friends as well as her colleagues in the wedding planning industry to set up a meal train as she underwent chemotherapy and radiation.“for three months, every single evening somebody brought us a meal,” she says. “some were people i barely knew. it was so touching that somebody would take time out of their day to prepare a healthy meal for us.”
corinne, adam, and crosby in front of their home in kamloops, b.c.
adam and kev photography