researchers made a discovery in their quest to understand why so many
people who have never touched a cigarette still
develop lung cancer.
the research,
published in the journal thorax this week
, found a link between the type and abundance of bacteria swimming around in the mouths of non-smokers and their chances of developing the deadly disease. with roughly 25 per cent of lung cancer diagnoses occurring in people with no history of smoking or other risk factors — such as family history or exposure to second-hand smoke — researchers have increasingly
to the body
s microbiome for answers. they may have found some.
to test their suspicions, the team behind the study
relied on two separate pools of participants
— the shanghai women
s health study and the shanghai men
s health study — a combined group of more than 135,000 people who had their health monitored periodically between 1996 and 2006.
the two groups provided information on their disease risk upon signup, including medical history, lifestyle and diet data, and researchers profiled their resident bacteria using a special rinse. all participants were lifelong non-smokers.
over the 10-year period of observation, researchers found 90 of the women and 24 of the men developed lung cancer, typically within seven years. they then matched these participants with another 114 non-smokers from the control group that were of similar age, sex, education and medical history but did not develop cancer. they found key differences between the mouth microbiomes of the two groups that revealed that a wider range of bacterial species was connected to a lower risk of lung cancer.
specifically, large amounts of the bacteroidetes and spirochaetes species correlated with a lower cancer risk while an abundance of the firmicutes species corresponded with an increased risk.