despite the lack of proof that prayer heals — as one
pointed out, “god would be unlikely to cooperate in scientific studies” — there’s also nothing to say that looking to the heavens hurts, either. we know prayer can do other really great things, like
a sense of connection, lessen feelings of isolation and fear, and reduce anger and aggression. one
t suggests that prayer is a type of meditation, affording the doer similar benefits of a lower heart rate, stronger immune system and decreased anxiety.
“we pray because we hope that it will help, but we must realize full-well that it may not,” bulka
the healing through unity newsletter more than a decade ago, adding that if prayer is genuine and authentic, it can bring inner peace, which gives us the strength to face adversity.
it’s a message that remained as strong as ever as he prepared to face perhaps his biggest adversary.
“i am feeling well,” he told evan solomon in an interview with
, describing how his cancer diagnosis. “i know the reality. you can’t escape the reality.”
typically not diagnosed until late stages, pancreatic cancer is a particularly aggressive cancer that kills approximately 92 per cent of patients within five years. of the 225,800 new cancer diagnosis expected in canada in 2020, 6,000 canadians were expected to be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and 5,300 were
expected to die
. these projections make pancreatic cancer the
third leading cause of cancer death
in canada.