
das boot director wolfgang petersen dead at 81 from pancreatic cancer

in a career that spanned over five decades, petersen directed stars like clint eastwood, harrison ford and brad pitt.

wolfgang petersen another celebrity to succumb to pancreatic cancer
director wolfgang peterson (right) discusses a scene with harrison ford on the movie set of "air force one."
german director, filmmaker and screenwriter wolfgang petersen, best known for his work on the films das boot (the boat), and air force one has died at age 81 from pancreatic cancer.
among many great achievements, petersen was nominated for several awards, including outstanding directorial achievement in 1981 by the directors guild of america. he also won best director in 1982 for das boot, a blockbuster film that chronicled the claustrophobic life aboard a german submarine.

what are the signs of pancreatic cancer?

in the early stages of pancreatic cancer, there are often no symptoms at all, or they tend to be vague and easily attributable to other conditions which makes it a difficult cancer to catch early. however, some common symptoms can include stomach pain, indigestion and weight loss. other symptoms might include loss of appetite, changes to bowel habits, recently diagnosed diabetes, digestive problems like feeling full quickly, gas and bloating, vomiting, blood clots, fatigue, and jaundice. last year, researchers added thirst and dark urine to the list of possible signs. finding it hard to swallow food, fever and shivering are less common symptoms.
the prognosis depends on how advanced the cancer is and whether or not the tumour is considered operable. but the earlier the cancer is caught, the easier it will be to treat.
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pancreatic cancer will kill 5700 canadians is 2022

the number of people with pancreatic cancer expected to be diagnosed this year sits at a staggering 6,900, according to the the canadian cancer society, while 5,700 canadians will die from it.

who is at risk for pancreatic cancer?

while there are a few main risk factors for developing pancreatic cancer, including alcohol consumption and a history of cancer, about 90 per cent of patients are 55 years of age or older. genetics, race and sex have also been linked to pancreatic cancer: men, people of african-american and ashkenazi-jewish descent, people living with diabetes and people with pancreatic cancer in the family are all more likely to develop it. smokers are two to three times more at risk than non-smokers.
petersen joins a long list of celebrities to succumb to pancreatic cancer. alex trebek, ruth bader ginsburg, patrick swayze and aretha franklin all died either directly or as a result of complications associated with pancreatic cancer. petersen is survived by his wife maria-antoinette borgel and son daniel petersen.

support and resources if you are living with pancreatic cancer

pancreatic cancer canada offers information about pancreatic cancer, as well as ways to connect with others. other resources include the canadian cancer society.
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pancreatic cancer canada
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kelly buell is an ottawa-based writer.
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