
what happens when your doctor gets it wrong?

it took two years and three doctors before robin mcgee got the right diagnosis. it will cost her her life.


robin mc g ee was 46 years old and knew that she had a family history of colorectal cancer when she went to see her doctor in nova scotia about rectal bleeding. she was told not to worry, that the bleeding was probably the result of an antibiotic reaction. but when the symptoms disappeared for a few weeks, and then returned worse than before, she sought a second opinion.

the second doctor also failed to recognize her symptoms. as mcgee’s symptoms grew worse, she saw another doctor who also downplayed her symptoms. then another. it took two years to get a proper diagnosis: late stage colorectal cancer.
colorectal cancer is similar to skin cancer in the way that if detected and removed early, the chances of survival are high with a minor surgery. however, if detected too late, the survival rate drops, and patients need to undergo treatment. in mcgee’s case, she needed chemotherapy, radiation and two abdominal surgeries.
“it was horrifying, completely horrifying,” she says. “i had a child at home at the time, i was young, i was 46 when i first saw a doctor, and i was 48 when i was diagnosed, ultimately. it took many years to realize how impactful their mispractice was going to be on my life.”
not only was mcgee facing a life-threatening diagnosis that could have been avoided, she soon found out that the best-practice chemotherapy for her cancer was available everywhere else in canada and the u.s., but was not the accepted standard in nova scotia. after leading an eight-month lobbying campaign, she successfully got nova scotians access — unfortunately it was too too late for mcgee to receive the drugs herself.



and as if one misdiagnosis isn’t enough, a few years later, when mcgee was in remission, she had concerning blood levels that prompted a visit to a radiologist for a ct scan. that time, a two centimetre tumour was missed in her pelvis during the scan when the radiologist misread the file. although she was told she was clear, her concern about her blood levels persisted and knowing what she had already endured in the past with other physicians, mcgee lobbied for six months to get another ct scan done.
the second scan revealed the tumour that had been missed earlier, and showed that it had grown to 10 centimetres, having spread not only to other organs, but had also progressed to an inoperable location.
“the cascade of errors has led to a situation that’s impossible to survive,” she says.

how do misdiagnoses happen?

according to the canadian patient safety institute (cpsi), medical mistakes account for 28,000 deaths yearly , according to the canadian patient safety institute. while the most common error has to do with medications — either the wrong dose, or wrong kind, or there is a missed allergy — misdiagnoses are also accounted for in this alarming statistic.



daniela pacheco, an associate lawyer with the medical malpractice group at neinstein personal injury says that the most common misdiagnoses or delayed diagnoses tend to happen with infections, cancers and strokes.

rare conditions are also often misdiagnosed, particularly when physicians focus on the most likely condition, instead of running through the differential diagnosis analytical process — ruling out the worst case scenarios first — that’s taught in medical school, she says.
in some cases, common conditions can present differently in different patients, making a misdiagnosis more likely. for example, a stroke can present in an uncommon way whenever a patient exhibits rare symptoms like pain (which is an uncommon symptom of a stroke).
“when someone comes in with these uncommon presentations, that’s also more likely to be missed,” she says.
and there’s the patient themselves who may be ‘uncommon,’ showing up with symptoms that are not typically seen, for example, a young person who presents with stroke symptoms.
“it [may not be] something you’d expect,” says pacheco. “so even though a stroke is a common human condition, it’s not common in [a younger] population.”



often, what pacheco calls “the cognitive bias” of the health professional can contribute to a missed diagnosis, as they rely on the most likely symptoms that would indicate a patient’s condition, as opposed to considering more concerning possibilities.
doctors may also have “tunnel vision” about a certain diagnosis, she says.
“if you don’t do the differential diagnosis part properly, you keep trying to prove yourself right,” says pacheco. “what ends up happening is that cognitively, physicians or healthcare professionals will ignore information [as they go down the road] that could have tipped them off to a new direction or investigation.”
it can even transmit between physicians. if one doctor is caring for a patient and has a set idea of their diagnosis, the next doctor caring for the patient could adopt that same thinking instead of walking through the reasoning all over again.
“a mistake can sort of be contagious,” she says.
perhaps the most worrisome reason for a misdiagnosis is a mistake, like the loss of a document, results never coming back, blood results misplaced, physicians missing something critical as they look through piles of tests, or other things like a follow up appointment not being properly booked.



pacheco also says that disrupted communication can happen as physicians and the hospital can get very busy, so speaking with one another as they hand off patients doesn’t always occur.
miscommunication also happens within vulnerable populations where patients may be unable to communicate how they are feeling due to language, a disability or social and cultural barriers. sometimes the physician doesn’t take the time to help find an interpreter to help them express their feelings and get the information that they need.

be aware of your body

from her experience, mcgee says that people need consider the possibility that doctors can be wrong, especially if they feel that their diagnosis doesn’t match the symptoms that they have.
“people have to be aware that medical errors and misdiagnoses can occur, and also have a healthy skepticism about their physician’s judgement,” she says. “i’m not telling people not to trust their doctors, but that they need to be open to the idea that [the] doctors can make a mistake.”
she also advises patients to phone and follow up every single time they’re referred somewhere. in her experience, she says she’s seen documentation get lost or forgotten when she was referred, and says calling both the sender and the receiver is important to make sure your information gets through.



“people need to be really aware that their information and communication with specialists can go wrong, very wrong,” says mcgee. “only their vigilance will make sure that the path gets followed.”
finally, whenever possible, seek a second opinion. “that’s not always easy, but it might be imperative to try and push back,” she says. in fact, it could save your life.
pacheco adds that patients can remind their doctor about the evolution of their symptoms if their symptoms haven’t disappeared, and to take the time to think about their symptoms to try to be as clear and concise as possible whenever they talk to their doctor.
not that discussing symptoms helped mcgee much. she is now undergoing chemotherapy for the third time, after a recurrence of colorectal cancer in march. in april, she underwent surgery for cataracts that were causing her to lose her eyesight — a rare side effect of the chemotherapy treatments she has received during the last 10 years.

a legal victory

mcgee did eventually take her case to the nova scotia college of physicians, and won, successfully suing the physicians that misdiagnosed her.

she continues to advocate for patient safety, cancer care, and err and apology practices in the province. mcgee’s book, the cancer olympics,  which chronicles her misdiagnosis, has won multiple awards, including the feathered quill book awards silver medal for best inspirational in 2016. half of the proceeds from the sale of this book go to the canadian cancer society and the colorectal cancer association of canada.



“it’s gratifying and important to me to make meaning out of my suffering and my death. so that’s why i became an advocate early on and why i continue to do it,” she says. “if you’re going to have something that terrible happen to you, you gotta do what you can in the time that you have left to leave the world a better place than you found it.”
jordan heuvelmans is a freelance journalist with you can follow her on twitter at @jordanheuvelm
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