child safety: bicycles and tricycles
if you are biking with a baby or young child, the following suggestions can help you minimize the risk of injury:
- don't put your child in a bike seat before they are ready.
children younger than 1 year should not ride in any type of seat mounted on your bicycle. before sitting in a rear-mounted seat, your child must sit well without support and be able to wear a lightweight helmet. these types of child carriers must:
- attach securely over the rear wheel.
- have spoke guards so your child's hands and feet will not get caught in the wheels.
- have a secure shoulder harness, lap belt, and a high back. a child should be able to fall asleep and be well supported.
- put a helmet on your child even when they are in a bike trailer.
if you are using a trailer seat, always have your child wear a lightweight infant bike helmet.
- be careful where you ride.
do not ride with your child on busy streets, even where there is a bike lane. try to ride in bicycle-only areas, such as recreational paths.
- do not ride with your child during bad weather.
- never carry infants in backpacks or front packs on a bike.
riding tricycles safely
help make riding tricycles safer by following these tips.
- don't put your child on a tricycle until they are ready.
a child doesn't have the basic coordination to ride it safely until about age 3.
- make sure the tricycle that you try is solidly constructed and the right size for your child. (your child should be able to pedal while sitting squarely on the seat.)
- watch your child closely while they ride.
do not allow your child to ride in areas that are close to cars, swimming pools, or other hazards.
- have your child wear a bike helmet every time they ride.
current as of: october 24, 2023
author: healthwise staff
clinical review board
all healthwise education is reviewed by a team that includes physicians, nurses, advanced practitioners, registered dieticians, and other healthcare professionals.
current as of: october 24, 2023
author: healthwise staff
clinical review board
all healthwise education is reviewed by a team that includes physicians, nurses, advanced practitioners, registered dieticians, and other healthcare professionals.