
advice: isolation is killing the love vibe

self-isolation is challenging on so many levels. relationships are starting to feel the burden.

illustration: brice hall
dear asking for a friend,
my husband and i have been married for eight years. i have always worked from home, and he has always gone to the office. he also tends to travel a few days out of every month. now, because of covid-19, we are both at home working — or i should say, trying to work. for the first couple of days it was fun to be around each other – we even had afternoon sex a couple of times, which we haven’t done in years. but now it’s getting a bit annoying to be in such close proximity all the time. also, what are the rules now? if i am making lunch or a snack, do i have to make something for him? and he has been complaining that i leave my dishes in the sink. i love him, but by the time dinner comes around, there’s not much to talk about and we are just plain cranky. ideas?
signed, cranky at home

dear cranky at home ,

you’re not alone. many couples aren’t exactly enjoying the quarantine bonding experience. when you’re in each other’s face 24/7, you’ll have to put in the work to keep your relationship intact. it might take more than a hot minute to find your way back to those afternoon trysts, but it can be done.

our brains are wired to focus on criticism and negative experiences, making us more prone to strong reactions toward what we perceive as negative stimuli. psychologists believe that because our brains are wired this way, this “negativity bias” can wreak havoc in our life and impact how we think, feel and behave. it can also show up in our romantic relationship when we become less filtered and more real with our partner. according to research, negativity bias can impact your love life if you don’t stop, drop and reframe the situation. we’re not telling you to get your head in the sand, and pretend like everything is okay, just lighten up a little, cranky at home, and share with your partner what’s on your mind.



“to have a win-win situation, you need to have good communication skills,” says dr. christine korol, psychologist at the vancouver anxiety centre , adjunct professor in the department of psychology at the university of british columbia, and a member of the canadian psychological association . “good communication starts with good self-knowledge. when you know what you need, you can try to reach consensus with your partner, not compromise.”

maybe a little sprinkle of tension is a good thing right now. it means you haven’t emotionally checked out of the relationship and that you still have feelings for your partner — you’re comfortable with each other, but not too comfortable. why not take a shot at improving on those areas of friction in your relationship? when differences come up, instead of getting annoyed, explore with your partner what can be done to make the relationship better. in times of uncertainty, exploring moments like this can be a powerful catalyst for change.



we gotta tell you, we’re all a little anxious and on edge these days, but we know this will pass. before you know it, you’ll be back at the office and stuck in rush-hour gridlock, where you’ll have plenty of time to focus on things that truly matter – office politics and the jerk who cuts you off in traffic — and maybe missing those “afternoon delights.”

note from the covid-19 outbreak can also impact couples and families with a history of domestic violence. women’s shelters and transition houses are considered essential services and are open across the country. if you need help, visit

is there something about health that you (or a friend, wink, wink) have always wondered about, but are too embarrassed to ask? send a note to we promise your ‘friend’s’ secret – and identity –  is safe with us. next week afaf helps a reader who has retired her razor in every way, but her girlfriend hates it.

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