dear asking for a friend,
i noticed that guys everywhere are letting their facial hair grow. i get it, i mean, why would you take the time to shave every day when you aren’t going anywhere? as i woman, i have to admit i have also let things slide in the personal upkeep area — let’s just say that the lady down at the waxing place — you know, the one with the sign in the window that says, “stop shaving your beaver” — is going to have her work cut out for her when all of this covid-19 stuff settles. but here’s my question, is it ok to just let myself go, so to speak? i am thinking of putting away my razor completely, let the leg and armpit hair abound. my girlfriend though doesn’t feel the same. she is making an effort to shave her legs and wash her hair every day – she even puts makeup on sometimes. not sure that it’s a deal breaker for us yet, but i wanted to get your thoughts before we get there.
signed, hairy and just don’t care
hairy and just don’t care,
we all go through periods when we feel a little bored and uninspired by life. time spent at home during self-isolation is no exception. in fact, the daily rut of routine can make us feel unfulfilled, unmotivated and stuck. you seem like a you are pretty laid back about the whole thing, but sporting a jungle is no small thing. plus, relationships are a two-way street and when you stop putting in the effort, other things can get hairy pretty damn fast.