there’s nothing like a crisis to give rise to misinformation and confusion — the
covid-19 pandemic is no exception. particularly for those with preexisting conditions like
heart disease, the messages around the risk that the virus poses can be both scary and anxiety-provoking.while the rate of infection does not differ for those with heart conditions, says dr. adrian baranchuk, the head of the
heart rhythm service at kingston general hospital, those with pre-existing cardiovascular conditions can have a much more targeted evolution of the virus than those whose immune systems are completely competent. this includes conditions like, prior myocardiac infarctions, unstable anginas and stroke, among others.baranchuk says that there has been some misinformation about angiotensin receptor blockers (arb) drugs — the medications used to treat cardiovascular disease. his message? do not stop taking these drugs.“[these medications] are very common for people with
cardiovascular diseases and help with hypertension to control the dynamic of contraction of the heart,” he says. “a misinterpretation has suggested that patients discontinue those medications. as of march 20 [all cardiovascular societies] are telling patients to keep taking those medications that are essential for their well being. without it, they may require admission to hospital.”and a hospital admission would not only expose these patients to possible covid-19 infection, but also put extra stress on hospitals already under immense pressure.while many group exercise programs for
cardiovascular patients have been canceled in the wake of the pandemic, baranchuk says that some form of exercise is critical, either at home or in an open space.“at the present time, patients that have set up programs at home should continue to do that,” he says. “because [the more] physically and mentally healthy you are, the less likely it is cardiovascular conditions will rise up during isolation.”baranchuk also stresses that there is no shortage of cardiovascular medication in canada, and aims to assuage fears that result in stockpiling. there is however, one caveat for patients of a certain demographic.“it’s recommended for cardiac patients older than 65, to stockpile for the next two weeks, and if possible to have their refill by phone or online,” says baranchuk.for everyone else, he says to not “extend the craziness” of stockpiling toilet paper to medications. a two to four week supply of cardiovascular medication is enough. want to keep up covid news and trending health stories? sign up for our newsletter here.