
covid-19 creating challenges for youth addictions services

the province's only secure youth detox program has only been admitting patients from regina since march.

a saskatoon psychiatrist says she’s relieved the province’s only secure youth detoxification program will reopen this week, saying she has struggled for months to connect her young patients with appropriate care.
saskatchewan’s only secure youth detox program, located in regina, has only been admitting patients from that city since march, a measure saskatchewan health authority officials say was taken to reduce the risk of spreading covid-19.
while dr. tamara hinz said she’s happy the centre will start welcoming patients from the rest of the province, the delay underscores the need to reopen youth mental health services as quickly as possible.
“these are complex and high-level decisions that need to be made at a provincial level, but it seems to me to be a bit out of step that as retail stores and bars and restaurants are reopening, children with serious substance use issues are not being given that same consideration,” hinz said. 
the six-bed secure youth detox program in regina is the only one of its kind in the province. it serves patients under the age of 18 with severe substance use disorders who have been mandated to attend it by a physician’s order under the youth drug detoxification and stabilization act for a period of between five and 15 days.



colleen quinlan, executive director of mental health and addictions for urban areas, said the facility was only seeing patients from regina to reduce the risk of spreading covid-19 from different parts of the province.
she said patients who needed addictions care could be admitted to the 10-bed youth unit at royal university hospital’s dubé centre. she said she was not aware of any physicians outside regina struggling to find a detox program for a minor.
she also noted a six-bed voluntary stabilization program at saskatoon’s calder centre was kept open, even as that facility stopped taking referrals for its 28-day youth and adult addictions treatment programs.
hinz, who splits her time between an outpatient mental health clinic for minors and two-week shifts at dubé, estimated between one and two beds at the centre have been filled by people who would otherwise go to the secure youth detox centre.
“certainly i like to think that we provide excellent acute mental health care at the dubé centre, but we are not an addictions facility, so we don’t have addictions counsellors on staff,” hinz said. 
quinlan and calder centre program manager nicole schumacher said health care staff had to make hard choices when covid-19 arrived.



they moved many mental health and addictions services online or over the phone a step they say many patients have appreciated.

i think people were doing their best to maintain care and provide that support to all of our clients in an uncertain period,” quinlan said. 

it’s not known when programs like the 28-day program at calder centre will begin seeing patients again. such programs are included in the third phase of the health authority’s service resumption plan, a date for which has not been announced.
quinlan said staff appreciate the importance of those programs and aim to start work in person as soon as they’re able to.

our team is really actively preparing to open the day we get the message,” quinlan said.

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