
covid daily update: is north korea really done with covid?

north korea claims to have the lowest number of covid fatalities, study shows that masks still work, plus drake's concert is a go.

covid daily update aug. 5, 2022
north korea has no access to covid vaccines, drugs, or other treatments. getty

north korea claims falsely to have totally recovered from covid

if you believe north korean state media, the country has completely recovered from covid. unbelievable, no?

well, yes — given that north korea is under a dictatorship, it’s probably unbelievable in the sense that it’s probably a lie. according to bbc news , north korea has “one of the worst health-care systems in the world,” with no access to covid vaccines, drugs, or other treatments. (one north korean defector, who has left the country, described hospitals there as having no heating or electricity, so surgeries are performed using flashlights.)

north korean state media has said nearly five million patients have recovered from covid — which they refer to as “fever” and only 74 have died over the last three months. that would make their fatality rate the lowest in the world, at 0.0002 per cent.

shin young-jeon, a professor at hanyang university in seoul, south korea, told reuters that the actual number of covid deaths in north korea could be as high as 50,000. south korea, which has a robust medical system and a highly vaccinated population, has a covid fatality rates of 0.12 per cent.

no one wants to hear it, but it may be time to mask up again



while the covid vaccines have been an incredible success, significantly lessening the rates of hospitalization and death from the novel coronavirus, unfortunately, as cases continue to rise around the world, they may not be enough right now.

“don’t get me wrong: vaccines are necessary for this response, but not sufficient,” science writer katherine j. wu said in the atlantic . it’s “bizarre” to see the u.s. government talk about boosters, “ while also loosening guidance around gathering, masking, and distancing, and claiming that america can practically declare independence from the virus. these things don’t match up.”

a study published this week compared the spread of covid among people who wore masks and those who didn’t, in both health care and community settings and found that in health-care settings, nine per cent of people who wore masks, and 33 per cent of people who didn’t, tested positive for covid. in community settings, the difference was even more stark: six per cent of mask wearers contracted covid, versus 83 per cent of non-mask wearers. (the study is a pre-print that has not yet been peer-reviewed.)

drake’s toronto show is back on

drake’s young money reunion show is back on after he tested negative for covid. you may remember that the concert was originally scheduled for aug. 1, but was postponed when the toronto-born rapper tested positive. in an instagram post on thursday, drake announced that he had recovered from covid and that the show, featuring lil wayne and nicki minaj, will now happen saturday.



maija kappler is a reporter and editor at healthing. you can reach her at
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