
learning to live with covid: what the experts say

the shift to learning to co-exist reflects the transition period canada is now in, the slow shift from life-halting pandemic, to an endemic situation

by: sharon kirkey
kerry bowman, who lives in downtown toronto, has been sensing something in the air lately. something is different, he said. something is missing.
the edge is gone.
people are still masking and following public health protocols for the most part. “but there’s much less anxiety. people are a lot more relaxed,” said bowman, a university of toronto bioethicist and conservationist. “i think there’s kind of an acceptance that this is the way it’s going to be, an element that this is the best we can do. and we have to move on.”

britain is taking that idea to the extreme. the british people must learn to live with covid and “reconcile ourselves, sadly, to more deaths,” their prime minister, boris johnson, said as he scrapped most of england’s laws mandating face coverings, social distancing and work-from-home orders. “i don’t want people to get demob-happy,” johnson, said, a cautionary note that didn’t stop jubilant club-goers from going “berserk” and pouring into nightclubs, sans masks. but with summer and vaccines and school holidays, if not now, then when, the prime minister mused.

“we have to be honest with people about the fact that we cannot eliminate covid,” johnson’s double-vaxxed health secretary sajid javid wrote in an op-ed published by the daily mail two weeks before



javid tested positive for covid, forcing a reluctant johnson and other close contacts into a  10-day quarantine . “we are going to have to learn to accept the existence of covid and find ways to cope with it — just as we already do with flu,” javid wrote.

israel, for its part, is said to be shifting to a “soft suppression” strategy. only high amounts of severe disease, not daily case tallies, will lead to more closures. “forget about who catches covid-19, the serious cases matter,” ran a headline on an analysis piece in the jerusalem post.

weeks ago singapore announced a similar approach. “you need to tell people; we’re going to get a lot of cases,” dale fisher, head of the national infection prevention and control committee of singapore’s health ministry told the new york times. “and that’s part of the plan — we have to let it go.” that was the plan, until a karaoke cluster sent singapore back into phase 2 (“heightened alert”) thursday. dining in at food and beverage establishments suspended until mid-august. social gatherings capped to two.

some have said talk of “learning to live” with covid is reckless and premature, that the u.k.’s game plan will lead to hundreds of thousands of new infections. others say it’s not clear what “living with covid” even means — we have  been living with covid. still, the new rhetoric, the shift from “crushing” and “planking” covid to learning to co-exist reflects the transition period canada now finds itself in, the slow shift from life-halting pandemic, to an endemic situation. “we are slowly transitioning to a better place,” said university of ottawa virologist marc-andré langlois.



covid-19 isn’t going to suddenly burn out. there’s no curtain call yet. the sars-cov-2 virus is going to be around for a long time, if not forever, renowned american epidemiologist dr. michael osterholm said on his regular covid podcast. but the provinces are moving from pandemic state to a more endemic one, dr. jennifer russell, new brunswick’s chief medical officer of health said this week, “which means that covid will be part of our normal everyday life,” a permanent reality, a contagious respiratory disease that spreads at a baseline level every year, but without upending most people’s lives.
it takes time to get to that kind of steady state. “with flu pandemics, you’re into your third of fourth year before pandemic influenza becomes seasonal influenza,” said infectious diseases specialist and microbiologist dr. allison mcgeer, of sinai health in toronto. “covid is harder than that, but it’s like that,” which is why england’s decision to do away with most covid rules, just as delta-driven infections are surging again, is at odds with the scientific consensus, mcgeer said. “i think the consensus opinion is that the brits are crazy — that it’s too early to think we can get back to normal.



“i think canadians will feel that the price of going back to normal right now is too high,” she said. others say the discussion isn’t nearly so settled.
at 80-60 — 80 percent of the eligible population with one dose, and nearly 60 double-dosed — canada is one of the most-vaxxed countries in the world.  but the next phase is uncharted territory, said dr. david naylor, co-chair of canada’s covid-19 immunity task force. because of delta’s high reproduction number, “we’re going to need extremely high vaccine coverage — up in the 90 per cent range — for this pandemic to peter out in most locales,” naylor said in an email. he expects the fall to be somewhat nerve-wracking. will flare-ups here and there lead to a fourth wave? ongoing and new mutations are also a worry.
“but assuming no massive surges occur during the fall and winter of 2021, i think we’ll be headed into an equilibrium state where we live with sars-cov-2 just as we live with influenza,” naylor said, meaning covid shots every year or two, the jabs tweaked for new strains, as happens with the flu. “and, as also happens with the flu, we may have periods of several weeks when covid-19 spreads widely, leading to mild disease in most of those affected, but unfortunately causing serious illness and death among more vulnerable individuals,” naylor said.



“we live with that unhappy reality and the same situation may be the end-game with covid-19.”
the u.k. is banking on a dissociation between cases and severe outcomes: it’s okay to have cases, as long as they’re mild and people don’t need hospital care. “the flip side, the counterargument to that is, we just don’t know enough about the long-term consequences of the mild infections,” said university of toronto epidemiologist dr. jeff kwong. “i think it’s important for us to try to minimize the cases, and not just minimize the severe outcomes.”
the hard way of doing that is lockdown. but it’s not sustainable. economies must go on. lives must go on. “we have this now as a part of our world, we’re going to have to deal with it as best we can and we can’t keep locking down,” said rodney russell, professor of virology and immunology at memorial university.

confirmed cases are rebounding in the u.s.; israel, with 61 per cent of its population fully vaccinated, is also seeing an increase, though the seven-day average and weekly hospitalizations are a fraction of their january peak . so far, canada is holding its own with delta. even when people move back indoors in the fall, it won’t take lockdowns to keep things under control, mcgeer predicted. yes to masking for indoor public gatherings, restrictions on really high volumes and high-risk activities when necessary, contact tracing and control of workplace outbreaks — “there is a bunch of things we can do, without being nearly as disruptive as we were in lockdowns, that i think we can hope will be enough,” she said.



that optimism hinges on how many more vaccines are delivered over the next two months. canada has ample supplies. but for those who don’t speak english, for the internet shaky and single moms with three kids at home whose employer doesn’t offer paid time to get a vaccine, the rollout has been chaotic, mcgeer said. doing better may mean going door-to-door, naylor offered, or hotline and text messaging systems that allow people to order jabs delivered to their doors.
the virus’ evolutionary trajectory is unknown, but vaccines are holding up. while much was made of an analysis by israel’s health ministry showing a “marked decline” since early june, as delta was spreading, in the ability of the pfizer vaccine to prevent infection (64 per cent) and symptoms (64 per cent), two doses nevertheless remained 93 per cent effective in preventing serious sickness and keeping people out of hospital.

a study published this week in the new england journal of medicine found only “modest differences” in vaccine effectiveness against delta compared to alpha, the once-dominant “u.k.” strain. two doses of pfizer provided 88 per cent protection against symptomatic disease with delta, while two shots of astrazeneca provided 67 per cent protection.



breakthrough infections will happen, but so far the numbers aren’t alarming. “it’s definitely within what we’re expecting,” kwong said. older people and those receiving cancer treatments tend not to mount as strong an immune response as younger people. september could see a surge in cases on university and college campuses and ontario is only one week into step three of its roadmap to reopening. how cautious will people continue to be? in alberta, most remaining restrictions were lifted on canada day. the seven-day average is creeping up slightly but hospitalizations are holding steady.
in britain, johnson has urged people to take “personal responsibility” over covid-19, which strikes naylor as a “pre-emptive blame-shifting stratagem.” johnson’s former aide has accused the pm of being far too accepting of deaths in older people in earlier waves. openings up didn’t go brilliantly well in the netherlands, but the dutch prime minister “had the courage and grace to change course, take responsibility and apologize,” naylor said.
“it looks to me as though boris johnson may instead be setting up a narrative that will allow him to blame a minority of careless brits for bad outcomes of this experiment.”



the flu analogy doesn’t sit well with people like david salisbury, the rationalization being used that it’s acceptable to have a burden of covid similar to, or even worse than the flu, which somehow “justifies us throwing all cautions to the wind and going back to our previous behaviours.”
“that’s a difficult moral and ethical judgement” because it means accepting potentially preventable deaths, salisbury, a former director of immunization at england’s department of health said on a guardian podcast.
bowman is also uneasy. the epidemiology isn’t clear, which means the ethics aren’t clear either, he said. “if we are going to start accepting deaths, are we accepting the death of vulnerable people? do we all share this risk if we decide this is the best we can do, or are we putting vulnerable people out to dry, so to speak?”
things are getting better in canada. there are 87 per cent fewer people in hospital with covid daily than the peak of the third wave. the link between infection and death hasn’t been broken but it’s been weakened. what sobers bowman up quickly is how “awful” it is in other parts of the globe, including sub-saharan africa and latin america. “and if it’s awful out there, we’ve got risk. i can’t see it getting better globally for quite some time because we’re not doing much about it.”



as long as there are humans without immunity to sars-cov-2, the virus will continue to propagate, said langlois, who is leading canada’s coronavirus variants rapid response network, or covarr-net. “this is why living with this virus makes absolute biological sense — it’s not going anywhere as long as it can jump into new humans.” and as long as it circulates the virus will continue to evolve.

“all sorts of people are saying, ‘oh, it’s going to get less pathogenic.’ some people are saying more, or it’s going to be resistant to all the vaccines. we don’t know that. we absolutely don’t know,” langlois said. delta potentially still has room to evolve. but so far immunity from the authorized vaccines looks good, he said. “and we know that vaccine-induced immunity is several-fold more important than natural exposure.” in severe cases, covid can damage internal organs — the liver, kidneys and brain. “what we might see in five to seven years is a large percentage of those individuals that got naturally infected develop these morbidities that you only see in elderly individuals,” langlois said. ultimately, “you don’t want to catch this virus without being doubly vaccinated.”

delta will become the dominant strain in canada by fall, and then it will be a question of who can act as vectors for transmission . the virus can circulate in those who have declined the vaccine, as well as children under 12 who aren’t eligible for the shots. pfizer and moderna are testing their vaccines in children down to six-month-old babies. the results are expected some time this fall. decisions will then have to be made about immunizing kids , who can also be a reservoir of infection.



sooner or later, especially as canadians start travelling again, “we will all get exposed to one of the variants,” langlois said. for the doubly vaccinated, that exposure would act like a third dose, a booster shot, “and if you do get infected the most likely scenario is the symptoms will be like a bad cold, or, in the worst case, like flu.”
with sufficiently high vaccination rates, hospitals won’t be overrun; elective surgeries could proceed, as they should.
exhaustion is driving the “learn to live with covid” narrative, bowman said. that, “and the realities of western society, that, economically, we cannot carry on like this. i just don’t think we can go on much longer with lockdowns.”
britain is the case study, for now. “opening nightclubs, i mean, wow. really? it’s great everyone is having fun, but when you look at the age cohort, the vaccination rate of that cohort, the fact that it’s indoors, that fact that there are no rules and there’s alcohol — i have nothing against partying by the way,” bowman said. “but when you load all those things together that sounds like giving up to me.”
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