
metro vancouver hospitality’s front line slammed by pandemic

even with patios and the popularity of takeout, unemployment remains high in the restaurant sector as pandemic drags on

by: derrick penner
downtown vancouver bartender jamie mah used to boast that hospitality was something close to recession-proof.
“because when, you know, things go dour, people still want to eat and drink,” said mah, who usually tends bar at the fairmont pacific rim hotel. “but i wasn’t expecting a pandemic. that was the one thing i wasn’t predicting.”
over the last 13 months, it has been a roller coaster for mah — from a high of business being the best he had seen just before covid-19, to the low of a three-month lockdown last spring with the fear and uncertainty that came along with it.
“(then) i’m only working three shifts a week, you’re not knowing what’s going on, and you’re always worried in the back of your mind that you’re going to get shut down again,” mah said.
restaurants and bars have been slower to recover from last year’s pandemic-related shutdown than other sectors of the economy as venues adjusted to restrictions designed to limit direct contact between people.
limited seating capacities and shorter operating hours require less staff, and leave fewer shifts available for servers and bartenders.
mah was starting to breathe a little bit easier as this spring rolled around, along with many others in the hospitality sector, as locals starting to fill hotel rooms on “staycations,” replacing still-absent tourists, and business became more consistent for restaurants now familiar with covid-safe operations at limited capacity.



but as covid infections hit another alarming increase in march, the rollercoaster tipped into another dip with provincial health officer dr. bonnie henry’s “circuit-breaker” restrictions on indoor dining. that meant another layoff for mah.
“it’s been very tough, not only emotionally and psychologically, but it has hit financially big time. and now we’re shut down again,” said mah, who, besides being a bartender and sommelier, also writes for the online outlet scout magazine and co-hosts the podcast track and food.
industry insiders estimate that employment in restaurants and bars was down by about 30 per cent before the dr. henry’s march 29 “circuit-breaker,” said ian tostenson, ceo of the b.c. restaurant and food services association, which represents about 60,000 workers.
“it could be another 10,000 people higher than that, just because in-store dining has been shut,” he added.
federal programs, such as rent and wage-subsidy programs, have helped restaurateurs, but the uncertainty over restrictions in health orders has been challenging to deal with.
tostenson said estimates that maybe 4,500 of b.c.’s 15,000 restaurants might be at risk, based on surveys of other business groups, but it is difficult to tell how much of a toll the covid-19 dent in business is taking on the sector.



“you don’t know when it’s a closure with the intention of coming back, a closure because i’ve gone broke, or closure because i’m bankrupt,” tostenson said. “you can just see a lot of businesses that aren’t operating (right now).”
“and then the staff, who are everything to a restaurant, probably more important than the food, it’s just horrible,” tostensen said.
mah was fortunate to have “a good amount of savings,” along with the government supports and his journalistic sidelines to tide him over, “but definitely, financially, it’s been a big hit.”
“i know quite a few who are just scraping by, using their credit cards (or) leaning on family and friends,” mah said.
the administrators of a modest relief fund for industry workers saw a noticeable increase in calls for help within a day or two of the last “circuit-breaker” announcement, said abdallah el chaimi, co-owner of the main street middle eastern takeout place superbaba.
“it’s not something that we thought we would do long-term,” el chaimi said of the fund, started by an informal industry group organized around the messaging app slack under the name vancouver food and beverage community.
they formed the relief fund, which has raised about $120,000 from donors and larger suppliers, before the canada emergency relief benefit and other emergency supports were put in place. it now pays out grants of $150 to $500 to help the laid-off or unemployed with groceries or small bills such as medical expenses not covered by medicare.



“applications were silent for a long time, and then the restriction happened, everyone got laid off, and all of a sudden the emails started flooding in,” el chaimi said.
he guesses that some applicants were being more proactive this time around, after the experience of the initial shutdown, which offered better insight into the timelines for employment insurance.
“most of them were more realistic,” he said about the “circuit-breaker,” which henry announced as a three-week closure but has since been extended to may 25.
“it’s odd to think now that people are sort of professionals in how ei works,” el chaimi said, “before, you never really looked into it until you absolutely needed it.
“now, everybody can tell you how to apply and what the timeline is. so, unfortunately, they’re experts in something you don’t want to be an expert in.”
superbaba has been less vulnerable to restrictions because it is mainly takeout, el chaimi said, but not free from the anxieties that go along with a deadly virus circulating.
“the day after the restrictions, even my own employees immediately were asking questions, a lot to do with, ‘how can we keep customers further away from us,’ in the interactions,” el chaimi said.



in squamish, the “circuit-breaker” delivered an additional challenge to cork and craft taphouse, which opened last august and doesn’t qualify for key federal supports such as rent and wage subsidies.
the proprietors took over the restaurant’s lease “literally a month before covid,” said co-owner cami tedder. “we’ve had to pivot on the fly … basically from the moment of opening our doors.”
after the march 29 restrictions, tedder said cork and craft “pivoted in 48 hours,” to get a temporary outdoor patio set up, with the help of a cooperative landlord.
still, they have been operating mainly with their venue’s four salaried staff, with few hours to offer 10 other employees, including tedder, who has been waiting tables and cleaning washrooms.
“we’re just borrowing money to make it through and to be able to pay our staff and keep things going,” tedder said.
for many others, the pandemic has become a departure point from the industry, which worries those expecting a post-covid boom in hospitality as people return to more ordinary habits.
don falconer, formerly general manager for food and beverage at the hotel belmont in downtown vancouver, departed that job at the end of february to become a consultant for a firm that designs training programs.



“i felt lucky,” said falconer.
he had just passed his one-year anniversary at hotel belmont when the pandemic hit, and as much as the property’s ownership group had done its best to look after its management team, it felt like “the writing was on the wall.”
“as another opportunity came up for me, i had to at least take a serious look at it, because it didn’t feel like there was any security in the hospitality industry anymore,” falconer said.
from the outside now looking back, falconer senses a lot of frustration within the industry, “with the lack of assistance that’s being given, with the lack of any sort of cohesive or communicated plan from the powers that be on what it’s going to take to just open for business.”
in early april, b.c.’s jobs, economic recovery and innovation minister ravi kahlon set aside $50 million in a relief fund for businesses hurt by the “circuit-breaker” restrictions, which was expanded to $125 million on april 26.
according to an unattributed background note from ministry staff, 6,250 hospitality businesses had submitted applications for help out of 7,500 total requests as of april 26, representing about $70 million.
falconer, however, was disappointed that there wasn’t more of an effort in provincial plans to put more money directly into the hands of unemployed workers.



“i think that a lot of people who had hospitality as their primary source of income prior to march 2020, and even throughout the last year-and-a-half, have had to look at other opportunities now,” falconer said. “and a lot of them have taken on other opportunities that offer a little more security.”
mah echoed falconer’s sentiments about the industry needing to see a path forward, such as clear markers for what levels of covid infections or hospitalizations b.c. needs to get down to, “so we can kind of have an idea when we’re going to reopen.”
from his podcast, and writing for scout, mah said he has gotten a sense of how many people have been leaving the industry with no plans to come back.
“i think when this is over, there’s going to be a big shortage of hospitality workers,” he said.
if there is a bright side, tostenson said, the pandemic has taught restaurants to be more resilient.
takeout service, once an afterthought for most restaurants, has become 35 to 40 per cent of the industry and will stay that way, tostenson said, “because people know it works.”
they have also become more technologically adept with online ordering and qr codes on tables that link to webpages in place of printed menus.



“what you’re going to see now is a business that is going to be perhaps more bulletproof for the future,” tostenson said.
along with that, however, the industry will have to find ways of providing better security for its employees.
“it’s going to probably take (creating) more of a long-term relationship with an employee not too dissimilar with what’s happened in europe,” tostenson said, “where we’re going to create careers and places for people to work.”
that would include more salaried positions, payment of benefits, and restaurant prices would likely have to rise.
“but then we’ll be able to provide a more stable environment,” he said.

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