recently, wearing masks in public has become widely accepted, even mandatory in some cities. california’s bay area is one of the places enacting a mask order but there’s a catch: you can wear any mask you like as long as it doesn’t have a mask valve.
mask valves are the tiny plastic piece attached to the fabric on some face masks and respirators . it’s a one way valve that closes whenever you breathe in to prevent pathogens from getting through. whenever you breathe out the valve opens, expelling air from the mask.
usually, these masks are used during fire season in california, but aren’t as effective as other masks designed for medical purposes. they are commonly used to help decrease humidity, heat and moisture inside the mask, but do not block the transmission of covid-19.
“respirators with exhalation valves should not be used in situations where a sterile field must be maintained (e.g., during an invasive procedure in an operating or procedure room) because the exhalation valve allows unfiltered exhaled air to escape into the sterile field,” it says on the cdc website.
but if you have a face mask at home that complies with the world health organization’s (who) guidelines, it’s recommend that you cover your nose and mouth with the mask, making sure there are no gaps between it and your face. try to avoid touching the mask while wearing it — and washing your hands immediately if you do.