
the flu shot may keep covid-19 at bay: study

'there could be a direct biological effect of the flu vaccine on the immune system relevant for the fight against sars-cov-2 virus.'

flu shot may keep covid-19 at bay
a new study looked at flu shots and covid-19 infections. getty
it’s never too late to get your flu shot, according to a new study that found inoculated individuals are significantly less likely to test positive for covid-19 and more likely to avoid hospitalization if they do.the study, published in the american journal of infection control, found the seasonal influenza vaccine provides potent protection — and some peace of mind — against the pandemic, even if researchers do not fully understand the underlying mechanism at work. “it’s particularly relevant for vaccine hesitance and maybe taking the flu shot this year can ease some angst about the new covid-19 vaccine,” said marion hofmann bowman, lead author of the study and an associate professor of internal medicine and a cardiologist at the michigan medicine frankel cardiovascular center.researchers arrived at the findings by analyzing the medical data of more than 27,000 patients who received a covid-19 test between march and july 2020. only four per cent of the 13,000 or so who received a flu shot the previous year tested positive for the virus compared to five per cent of the remaining 14,000 who declined to do so. even after accounting for race, gender, age ethnicity, bmi, smoking status and multiple comorbid conditions, the relationship held.the group that rolled up their sleeves for the jab were also less likely to experience complications leading to hospitalization, although there was no significant difference in mortality across groups. “it is possible that patients who receive their flu vaccine are also people who are practicing more social distancing and following cdc guidelines,” hofmann said. “however, it is also plausible that there could be a direct biological effect of the flu vaccine on the immune system relevant for the fight against sars-cov-2 virus.”several longitudinal studies are currently underway to ascertain the nature of the relationship but hofmann hopes the findings will — at the very least — dispel online misinformation that says getting the flu shot raises the risk of contracting the virus. “instead of a concerning connection between covid-19 and the flu shot, our publication provides more confidence that getting your flu shot is associated with staying out of the hospital for covid-19,” she said.forty-two per cent of canadian adults received the flu vaccine during the 2019-20 influenza season, according to a survey by the public health agency of canada, a number in line with previous seasons. only 44 per cent of canadians with chronic health conditions gave it a shot, however, far short of the national goal of 80 per cent. seniors were the most likely group to roll up their sleeves, with 70 per cent deciding to do so.researchers are hopeful the recent developments — including the finding that the shot appears to provide cardiovascular protection — will make people less hesitant to get vaccinated. “there’s robust data that the flu shot prevents heart attack and hospitalizations for heart failure, which is an additional reason to get your vaccine every flu season,” said anna conlon, co-first author of the study and a medical school student at the university of michigan.
if nothing else, influenza inoculation increases the options available to healthcare professionals and the communities they are trying to protect, said carmel ashur, co-first author of the study and an assistant professor of internal medicine and a hospitalist at michigan medicine.“it’s powerful to give providers another tool to encourage their patients to take advantage of available, effective, safe immunizations.”dave yasvinski is a writer withhealthing.cadon’t miss the latest on covid-19, reopening and life. subscribe to healthing’s daily newsletter covid life.


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