
'we were a little surprised how effective it was': ubc researcher on new potential covid treatment

imagine a nasal spray that could not only treat covid, but also prevent it.

a ubc researcher weighs in on a new potential covid treatment
researchers developed an amino acid compound that works by blocking the enzyme activity the sars-cov-2 virus uses to infect a host cell. getty
canadian researchers just made an important discovery in the search for a treatment for covid: they’ve developed a nasal spray that both prevented and treated infection of the delta variant in mice. and with human clinical trials on the horizon, it could be an important tool in the global fight against the virus.

the research didn’t just yield a treatment — it also provided more information about how the sars-cov-2 virus works, says dr. andrea   olmstead, the paper’s co-author and a research associate with ubc’s department of microbiology and immunology.

“it did help us learn something new about the virus,” olmstead told healthing. “i think we were a little surprised to see how effective it was.”
scientists from the university of british columbia, université de sherbrooke in quebec, and cornell university in ithaca, new york developed n-0385, an amino acid compound that works by blocking the enzyme activity the sars-cov-2 virus uses to infect a host cell.

“in targeting that activity, you can stop the infection or treat the infection,” olmstead explains. the research was published in the journal nature on march 28.

the study found that all of the mice infected with the covid virus who were given n-0385 as a nasal spray daily for four days survived. meanwhile, only 20 per cent of mice who were infected, but untreated, survived. similar tests were carried out with the beta, gamma, and delta variants. (they also tested for omicron with similar results, but that research is pre-publication and has not yet been peer-reviewed.) in the more harmful delta infections, the mice who received the compound also had a lower virus level and less infection-related weight loss than the untreated mice.



“our research in the mice show that earlier is better,” says olmstead. “we know that the compound stops the virus from getting into [our bodies]. once infection has already established, the compound might not be as effective.”
future clinical trials can help nail down that timeline, she added.
several previous treatments, like the drugs approved to treat covid, target enzymes in the virus itself. but n-0385 targets the host enzyme, which exists in both mice and humans. that distinction is important, olmstead says, because of the way we’ve seen the sars‑cov‑2 virus evolve over the last two years.
“the variants of concern have shown us that the virus changes over time,” she says. “so when we target viral enzymes, there’s always the chance that the virus can mutate, and that drug will no longer work against the virus anymore.”
but by targeting the way our cells respond, the nasal spray has the advantage of treating something that remains consistent, rather than the constant moving target of the virus itself.
“it’s a lot more difficult for the virus to change and become resistant to that drug,” she says.
it also means the treatment could work for other viruses, too — the same host enzyme is in play when we’re in contact with other coronaviruses, like the original sars and mers, as well as the common cold.

new insight into how covid gets into our bodies



“something we know about the virus that causes covid-19 is that it [can] use two different ways of getting into host cells,” olmstead says.
either the virus fuses directly onto the surface of the cells, or it’s engulfed “into a kind of bubble” into the cells in a process called endocytosis. one of the potential issues many scientists thought could cause a problem with covid treatments was that they would have to block both pathways, as the virus was believed to be able to adapt if one way wasn’t working. but the n-0385 compound, which targets the virus when it fuses directly onto the cells, didn’t cause the virus to enter through endocytosis, either.
“we thought maybe the virus could escape and use that other pathway to sneak into the cells. and that didn’t happen, at least in the mice,” olmstead explains, adding that it’s possible the virus will work differently in humans.

the various institutions involved in the research are all focusing on different things when it comes to next steps, but everyone’s goal is to see if this treatment will also work on humans. one team will be tweaking the n-0385 compound in the hopes of making it more stable, olmstead says. other experts are working to ensure the compound is safe for humans before any trials can potentially start. and dr. richard leduc of sherbrooke university and dr. françois jean of ubc have partnered with the biotech company ebvia to work on funding for the next steps towards clinical trials.



ideally, if the drug gets approved for humans, it could work with existing drug treatments to minimize the harm of the covid virus.
“we might even be able to create more effective treatments with other drugs,” olmstead says. “that’s one of the future directions that we’re interested in.”
maija kappler is a reporter and editor at healthing. you can reach her at
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