
booster recommended for people fully vaxxed with astrazeneca: naci

adults over the age of 70 and people from indigenous communities are also among the people the naci says should get a covid booster shot.

booster recommended for people fully vaxxed with astrazeneca: naci
the naci has expanded its recommendations for people who should receive covid booster shots. (getty)
by laura osman
ottawa — the national advisory committee on immunization has expanded eligibility guidelines for booster shots of covid-19 vaccines.
the committee now recommends mrna boosters to people who received two doses of the oxford-astrazeneca vaccine, adults over the age of 70, front-line health-care workers with a short interval between their first two doses, and people from first nations, inuit and metis communities.
the latest recommendation says the emerging evidence suggests vaccine effectiveness against asymptomatic infection and mild covid-19 disease may decrease over time, and a booster could help restore protection.
the committee continues to recommend boosters be given six months after the first two doses are received.
the committee found no evidence of widespread waning immunity against severe disease in the general population.
british columbia has already promised anyone in the province wanting a booster shot of a mrna covid-19 vaccine will have access to one by may 2022.
this report by the canadian press was first published oct. 29, 2021.


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