
ontario won't mandate vaccines for healthcare workers

ontario premier doug ford says high vaccination rates in hospitals and strong infection control measures mean hospitals are safe.

ontario won't mandate vaccines for healthcare workers
ontario premier doug ford made the announcement wednesday afternoon. (veronica henri / toronto sun / postmedia network) veronica henri / toronto sun / postmedia network
toronto — ontario premier doug ford says he won’t make covid-19 vaccination mandatory for hospital workers.
ford wrote to hospitals and other stakeholders last month asking for input on the issue.
he says the government looked at those responses and at “real-world evidence” and has decided to stick with its current approach, which allows unvaccinated workers to regularly get tested.
a statement from ford says high vaccination rates in hospitals and strong infection control measures mean hospitals are safe and can manage outbreaks.
he also pointed to news of surgery cancellations in british columbia due to vaccine mandate-related staff shortages and says he doesn’t want to jeopardize care for ontarians.
ford says the government will keep monitoring the situation but for now will leave the decision to mandate vaccines up to individual hospitals.
this report by the canadian press was first published nov. 3, 2021.


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