
wait — are we not supposed to hang out outdoors now?

gyms are ok, but a walk with a friend is not. ontarians are left to make sense of ambiguous rules.

mixed covid-19 messaging has us confused
covid-19 is believed to spread less quickly outdoors. but toronto officials suggest we end outside get-togethers with people outside our bubbles. getty

as covid-19 cases rise across ontario government leaders are telling residents in red zones to stay indoors and only leave for things like groceries, exercise and medical appointments. on thursday, toronto’s medical officer of health dr. eileen de villa went a step further and hammered home stricter messaging: don’t socialize with people outside your household — even outdoors.

people took to social media to question why toronto malls and gyms are still open — which are considered higher-risk environments — but a physically distant park hangout with a friend is no longer allowed. throughout the pandemic, experts and government officials have consistently touted the outdoors as being lower-risk for covid-19 transmission when distance is kept.  

online, people are calling the new recommendations contradictory , and pointing out that seeing a family member or close friend outside can help combat the serious mental health effects of isolation that many canadians are experiencing. others are saying that the government’s inconsistent messaging is causing people to check out of the pandemic rules altogether.

“you want [rules] to be sensible and well explained, and things that can actually be executed by people,” says dr. david white , a professor in the department of family & community medicine at the university of toronto. 



“you also do not want to have dissonance; so if you’re saying that people can’t do that , but they’re sending their kids to school, what’s the message?”

the risk of outside transmission 

toronto mayor john tory told the cbc last thursday that the reason why restrictions on outdoor socializing are being introduced is because it can be hard for people to maintain distance. the city and province are trying to curb the spread of covid-19, and in order to do so, more stringent measures are needed. 

“you know what happens: two families go out for a walk,” tory said. “inevitably, the kids and the adults get too close together on the sidewalk.”
while white says that the risk of covid-19 transmission is still lower outdoors than indoors when people keep six feet apart, other parts of the world have had success fighting the disease by implementing very strict rules. 

australia got rid of it

he points to the australian state of victoria. the government enforced a stringent lockdown with curfews and social restrictions as case counts were spiking in hotspot melbourne, the state’s capital, in july. as of nov. 16, the 14-day average case number for metropolitan melbourne and regional victoria was zero. 



“they got rid of it,” white says. “they were in an accelerating phase that is similar to what we’re in now.”

kerry bowman , a bioethicist and assistant professor at the university of toronto, says if the government wants people to follow rules, they need to be easy to follow. he says there’s a body of evidence that shows outdoors is safer than indoors when it comes to covid-19, and simply telling canadians to no longer see others outside has the potential to backfire. 

people are struggling right now, and taking something considered lower-risk away from folks can have a significant psychological impact. 
what’s more, the way the health guidelines are presented is often confusing, meaning people can interpret them in different ways, says bowman. while the covid-19 situation is rapidly changing as the pandemic drags on, clear messaging is key to not only getting people on board, but establishing trust between citizens and government leaders. 
“i know a woman that lives alone and her interpretation [of the rules are], ‘i shouldn’t be going for a walk,’” he says. “in my opinion, a better message is: ‘we have to be way more careful about outdoors and you can’t take things for granted; you really have to think about distancing.’”

should you wear a mask outside?



toronto residents are told not to mingle with anyone outside their household, so do they need to wear masks all the time outdoors now in case they come in contact with others?
white says if you are by yourself or in a large spacious environment, like a park, it’s not necessary to wear a mask. if you can’t maintain distance from others, like on a busy sidewalk, it’s a good idea to mask up.
he also says that from a health standpoint, it’s most sanitary to put your mask on in your house when your hands are clean, and leave it on until you return if you’re going to be around others or run errands. this helps you avoid touching your face.
“there is a problem when people go out and they have a mask with them, they put it on, then take it off, go onto their next activity, and put the same mask on again,” white explains. “if you’re going anywhere downtown or near a shopping area, it’s better just to wear a mask.”
bowman stresses that whatever health guidelines experts are encouraging, they need to remember that people’s “covid fatigue is significant at this point.” with more restrictions and changing rules, ambiguous messaging can be very problematic. 

“if we have to make changes, the messages have to be coherent and evidence-based,” he says. “it’s never been more important than now.” 



laura hensley is a writer with
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