
‘keep doing what you love’: optimism, family and community help teen get past life-altering diabetes diagnosis

diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of four, anwar boutahar hasn’t let the illness stop him from enjoying the things he loves.

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“creating support systems was one of the most important ways i dealt with my condition,” says anwar boutahar.
at age four, anwar boutahar’s life changed forever.
anwar was a very active child — full of energy. so, when he started complaining of exhaustion after playing soccer, his parents knew something wasn’t right.
this wasn’t the only red flag. anwar was always hungry and thirsty, and he was using the bathroom a lot at night. this drastic change of character led his parents to seek a medical opinion for their son.
following a visit to their family doctor, anwar was referred to sickkids hospital in toronto. after several blood tests, the family received a diagnosis: type 1 diabetes. unbeknownst to his parents, anwar had been experiencing telltale symptoms of diabetes — a chronic condition caused by the body’s inability to produce insulin and regulate blood sugar.
type 1 diabetes usually develops during childhood or adolescence, so it wasn’t unusual for sickkids to diagnose a four-year-old like anwar with the illness. still, the news was overwhelming for anwar’s parents.
following the diagnosis, anwar’s father, wahed, needed time to assess what this meant for his family. “i didn’t know much about diabetes or how it would impact us,” he says. “i was grieving. i had to accept that the future i had imagined for my son was going to look different.”
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anwar’s parents were immediately thrown into a much-needed training program to learn the nuts and bolts of type 1 diabetes management—from insulin to carb counting—while anwar remained in the hospital to stabilize his blood sugar and help him transition into his new reality.
though four-year-old anwar knew there were obstacles ahead, he refused to let his diagnosis govern his life. wahed vividly remembers the first time he prompted anwar to measure his blood sugar: “i wanted to take him to the bathroom, but he insisted we do it in the middle of sickkids’ cafeteria. even then, he understood that his diabetes was going to be lifelong. he accepted it wholeheartedly.”
despite being faced with a sudden life change that his parents were initially so fearful of, anwar received the support he needed right from the get-go, which helped him remain so optimistic. “i remembered the child life specialist telling us that type 1 diabetes doesn’t have to be a setback. i knew i could still do what i wanted if i put my mind to it,” the now 16-year-old, explains.
anwar soon realized that if he was going to continue being active and enjoying his hobbies, he had to discipline himself. “i learned that having diabetes was going to require planning and patience,” he recalls. “we were initially apprehensive, and it did require some adjustments, but having diabetes never prevented me from being active and playing sports.”



one adjustment that anwar’s family made was to monitor anwar’s blood sugar levels during baseball games in case he needed a snack or some insulin. “i started keeping a close eye on my diet so that the timing and types of food i was eating was tightly regulated,” shares anwar.
what’s truly inspiring about anwar’s story is his ability to look on the bright side — from the moment he knew he had type 1 diabetes and that it wasn’t going anywhere: “i knew my situation could have been much worse. other kids had conditions that didn’t allow them to play sports or even go to school, but i could. i felt very lucky.”
one of the biggest contributing factors toward anwar’s positivity following his diagnosis was being able to spend time with other children living with diabetes. the first time he met another child with type 1 diabetes, at a summer camp for kids with type 1 diabetes, had a powerful effect on anwar. “i felt so relieved,” he recalls. “i hadn’t been able to relate to other kids until that moment.”
with this newfound sense of community, anwar began fundraising and public speaking to help others feel more comfortable and supported with their diabetes. he and wahed raised enough money to sponsor 200 families who had children with type 1 diabetes in morocco.



anwar knows firsthand that a diabetes diagnosis can be scary: “my parents were very distraught at first,” he says. “but type 1 diabetes doesn’t have to limit you — keep doing what you love,”
anwar urges children with type 1 diabetes and their families to surround themselves with others going through the same thing. “cultivating a strong community is so important,” he says. “creating support systems was one of the most important ways i dealt with my condition.”
if your child is showing telltale signs of diabetes, talk to your doctor today to give your family the best possible support through education, treatment, and community.
this story was created by content works, postmedia’s commercial content division, and healthing, on behalf of a research-based pharmaceutical company.


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