is coconut oil all it's cracked up to be?
coconut oil has seen a surge in popularity over the last decade as well as quite a few grandiose health claims.
such was the case for a relatively healthy texas man who made his way to the hospital in 2015, nine hours after suffering a heart attack. he was experiencing chest pain, sweating profusely, and experiencing numbness in his left arm when he arrived at the emergency room, according to live science . he also reported vomiting shortly before entering the hospital.
doctors quickly narrowed their focus when their patient revealed his chest pain followed the consumption of 10 large energy drinks — something he did each and every day . he also paired his power drinks with a daily pack of cigarettes.
“’the patient stated that he drank any kind of energy drink he could get access to,” researchers noted in the man’s case report . “energy drink consumption is a growing health concern due to limited regulation and increasing use, especially in younger demographics. with substantially higher caffeine content than soft drinks or coffee beverages, as well as other poorly studied substances, there is significant potential for harm, especially when consumed in large quantities.”
more recent studies have attempted to do just that and concluded that even one energy drink “notably diminished” the blood vessel function of otherwise healthy, young adults.
dave yasvinski is a writer with