
new research shows five minutes of daily exercise can lower blood pressure

"the good news is that whatever your physical ability, it doesn't take long to have a positive effect on blood pressure."

if you can kick it up to 20 minutes of exercise per day, including uphill walking, stair-climbing, running and cycling, researchers found a clinically meaningful reduction in blood pressure. getty images
what if you could climb up and down a flight of stairs a few times for five minutes every day to keep your blood pressure healthy? could be in your house, apartment building or an office where you work, so a simple life hack that works and could be a great health strategy as we swing into holiday indulgences. new research from an international team of experts with the propass consortium (prospective physical activity, sitting and sleep), shows that adding a small amount of physical activity with some intensity into your day, like uphill walking or stair-climbing,  can help to lower blood pressure.
the study, recently published in circulation and led by the university of sydney and university college london, revealed that just five minutes of the daily activity a day can counteract our sedentary behaviours and reduce blood pressure. if you can kick it up to 20 minutes of exercise per day, including uphill walking, stair-climbing, running and cycling, researchers found a clinically meaningful reduction in blood pressure.
while high blood pressure is one of the more significant health issues globally, unlike other major causes of cardiovascular mortality, there are accessible ways to improve blood pressure as well as medication.
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“the finding that doing as little as five extra minutes of exercise per day could be associated with measurably lower blood pressure readings emphasizes how powerful short bouts of higher intensity movement could be for blood pressure management,” joint senior author and propass director emmanuel stamatakis said in a news release.
as heart and stroke canada notes, high blood pressure is the number one risk factor for stroke and a major risk factor for heart failure. it happens when the blood pressure in your arteries rises and your heart has to work harder than normal to pump blood through the blood vessels. problem is, you may not even know you have it unless you check your blood pressure with a cuff or see your doctor for regular checkups.
almost eight million adults in canada have high blood pressure, which is about one in every four of us.
while the blood pressure-lowering impact of structured exercise has been well-documented, what makes this study different is that it looked at the effects of 24-hour movement behaviours captured in the regular living settings of participants. the research team analyzed data from 14,761 volunteers in five countries to track their movement behaviour throughout the day and night. each person wore an accelerometer device on their thigh to measure their activity and blood pressure.
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canadian society for exercise physiology
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what do you do during the day and night? activity was slotted into six categories: sleep, sedentary behaviour such as sitting at a desk or on the couch, slow walking, fast walking, standing, and more vigorous exercise for running, cycling or stair climbing. then researchers used a statistical model to see how swapping behaviours could impact blood pressure. those five minutes count with exercise noted as a habit that is the key to reducing blood pressure, authors say.
if you can build up to the 20 to 27 minutes of exercise per day, it has the potential to reduce cardiovascular disease by up to 28 per cent at a population level, according to the research.
“the good news is that whatever your physical ability, it doesn’t take long to have a positive effect on blood pressure,” first author jo blodgett from the division of surgery and interventional science at ucl and the institute of sport, exercise and health noted in the release. “what’s unique about our exercise variable is that it includes all exercise-like activities, from running for a bus or a short cycling errand, many of which can be integrated into daily routines.”
best takeaway here is putting more demand on your cardiovascular system through exercise will have the greatest effect on keeping your blood pressure healthy
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karen hawthorne
karen hawthorne

karen hawthorne worked for six years as a digital editor for the national post, contributing articles on health, business, culture and travel for affiliated newspapers across canada. she now writes from her home office in toronto and takes breaks to bounce with her son on the backyard trampoline and walk bingo, her bull terrier.

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