
ozzy osbourne has parkinson's

'i just hope (my fans) hang on and they're there for me because i need them'

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legendary rocker ozzy osbourne has gone public with his parkinson’s diagnosis.he broke the news in an interview with robin roberts on good morning america this morning. his wife and co-host sharon osbourne was by his side.“i feel better now that i’ve owned up to the fact that i have a case of parkinson’s,” he said in the interview. “and i just hope (my fans) hang on and they’re there for me because i need them.”fans were concerned about the 71-year-old musician’s health after a number of postponed tour dates last year. since last year, osbourne has dealt with a severe infection as well as a serious fall.according to roberts, osbourne wanted to go public with his struggles given recent headlines that he was in failing health and “on his deathbed.”sharon said that he suffers from prkn 2. ozzy himself added, “it’s not a death sentence by any stretch of the imagination, but it does affect certain nerves in your body. it’s like you have a good day, a good day. and then a really bad day.”osbourne says that he is undergoing treatment and urges his fans not to count him out.


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