but as the weeks went on, these red dots started to scale and turn a little bit more silver. they started to grow and join and spread. i’m so thankful there was no webmd at that point, because i would’ve been googling and using the internet for self-diagnosing. still, i was freaking out, so i went back and saw another doctor who told me i may have psoriasis. i didn’t know what that was. i didn’t even know how to spell it. again, i didn’t really understand that it could be family-related. i knew that my dad had eczema, but it wasn’t something he actually talked about. it wasn’t like a big thing in his life.
reena ruparelia says she doesn’t even remember the feeling of psoriasis when she was diagnosed at 14. “i was much more concerned about how it looked.”
the doctor said in order to get an official diagnosis, i would have to see a dermatologist. but the wait time to see a dermatologist is similar to how it is now, about three months to see a specialist. and by that time, school was starting and three months is a long time. i think he must have given me a cream or something for it, but i don’t remember. the psoriasis started to spread because it was basically left untreated. so that was a bit scary. i started my first weeks of school in tights and long sleeves in september, so it was a bit warm and underneath my clothes, it was spreading.
i thought when i see the dermatologist, i am going to be okay. they’re going to diagnose me, give me a pill or something, and then it’s going to go away. so the day came, i saw the dermatologist and he said, it’s psoriasis. there’s no cure, but there are ways to manage it. that was back in 1994, so there were very different options for treatment than we have now. my initial treatment was a uvb light to help prevent the skin from rapidly growing or accumulating. he paired that with coal tar which smells like mothballs. so i would apply that and then wrap my legs with saran wrap. then in the morning i had to wipe it off with cloths and it was just a gruesome process. it was like a greeny brownish paste that left a residue on the skin. you only use it at night, but it stains all your sheets. bless my mother, she helped me put it on every day and my dad would take me to get my uvb light treatment in the city. it was just a really hard time. that was the beginning, but at that point i was young and hopeful and i didn’t know anything about psoriasis, so i thought eventually after all this pain it’s going to go away. as the years went on, it was still there.