
evolutionary advantage? why some people can't help but faint at the sight of needles

in the most extreme cases, people will avoid not just vaccinations but surgery, blood transfusions or intravenous antibiotics

for lisa robinson, it began in junior high while watching a first aid video. she suddenly slumped in her seat. her friends caught her as she was sliding off her chair.
robinson is a court reporter, a court stenographer. she’s fainted twice during examinations for discovery, or questioning of a witness under oath, while listening to testimony. one case involved a compound fracture, where bone penetrated skin, the other a vasectomy gone wrong. once when she started feeling woozy, she asked for a minute and walked out of the law office and onto an elevator. she came to surrounded by paramedics. “someone found me passed out in the elevator, and called 911.”
her phobia is needles. “i basically have panic attacks if i am exposed to any scenario with a needle,” said robinson, 47, of sylvan lake, a community west of red deer, alta. that includes blood tests, numbing needles at the dentist and the epidurals that were injected into her lower back when she delivered her two boys. “they were both caesarean. i had no choice.”
by her count, she’s fainted 10 times while receiving a needle. the sensation is the same: first she feels her heart racing, but then her blood pressure drops. “it’s like i can feel the blood draining from my head.” she starts to feel clammy, cold and sweaty, her vision blurs, she can’t think straight “and i just pass out.” she’s not great with blood, especially combined with needles. she once fainted while handing out cookies during a blood donor drive. “they had to call a code (a medical emergency) on the cookie girl.”
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a strong fear of skin punctures likely served some evolutionary advantage. a practical way for early homo sapiens to avoid death was to avoid “cutting, stabbing and piercing injuries” from fangs, tusks, spears and other sharp objects, a north carolina family and emergency room physician named dr. james g. hamilton wrote in a 1991 co-authored case report about a patient (hamilton himself) with a lifelong fear of hypodermic injections. today, a large and mostly hidden number of modern day humans have a phobic avoidance, an overwhelming sense of dread of needles, a phenomenon that has come to new light during mass covid-19 vaccinations.

it’s not known just what proportion of the vaccine hesitant are declining inoculation on the basis of a needle phobia. prevalence rates range from 3.5 to 20 per cent, which would suggest that between 11.5 and 66 million people in the u.s. population alone suffer from needle phobia, according to one recent paper. still, no one can say for certain, because people with needle phobia “tend to remove themselves from the patient population,” hamilton wrote. they avoid doctors.

the fifth and most recent edition of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders classifies needle fears as part of a group of phobias known as “blood-injection-injury” type phobias. it seems to have an exceptionally high “familial” link — up to 80 per cent of those affected report a parent or sibling with a strong phobic response to needles.

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 lisa robinson, 47, of sylvan lake, alberta, a lakeside community west of red deer. robinson, 47 and a mother of two, has suffered from needle phobia since junior high, when she fainted while watching a video on first aid. she is double-vaccinated against covid-19.
lisa robinson, 47, of sylvan lake, alberta, a lakeside community west of red deer. robinson, 47 and a mother of two, has suffered from needle phobia since junior high, when she fainted while watching a video on first aid. she is double-vaccinated against covid-19. lisa robinson
with most other phobias, like a fear of heights, blood pressure and heart rate increases. needle phobics are different. typically, they experience a vasovagal reaction: heart rate increases, and then immediately drops. blood flow to the brain is reduced, leading to fainting.

again, from an evolutionary sense, there might have been an advantage to passing out from a puncture injury. it would allow for “clotting to occur before the injured party bleeds out completely,” british clinical psychologist kate jenkins wrote in a 2014 paper. others have theorized it also might have helped to be immobile and “play dead,” rather than risk a fight-or-flight kind of response.

whatever the possible evolutionary benefit, “the process is very unpleasant for the patient and so avoidance is understandable,” jenkins wrote. just the fear of fainting provokes enough anxiety to make people feel light-headed and sweaty, which can feel an awful lot like they are going to faint. “the patient therefore gets into a vicious cycle of avoiding the situation as the symptoms of anxiety convince them they are going to faint even before the procedure has begun,” jenkins said.

there have been about two dozen documented deaths in the literature attributed to needle phobia, the vasovagal response in those cases so severe it led to heart attack or stroke in people with underlying conditions such as atherosclerosis, or thickening and hardening of the arteries.



although most people who faint are unconscious for fewer than 20 seconds, and blood pressure returns to normal within an hour or two, some experience “anxiety, malaise and weakness” for one to two days, hamilton wrote in an influential 1995 paper, needle phobia: a neglected diagnosis . hamilton and others have documented changes on electrocardiograms as well as stress hormones in people with needle fear.

the phenomenon runs the spectrum, from the low end (who isn’t squeamish?) to the highest, the blood-injection-injury phobia type, which is defined in the psychiatric literature as a “marked fear or anxiety” that is out of proportion to the actual danger posed. according to the dsm, “the phobic object or situation is actively avoided or endured with intense fear or anxiety.”
“it’s not some sort of choice they have made — this is really true fear, and we know that fear and anxiety is often irrational,” said meghan mcmurtry, an associate professor of psychology at the university of guelph.

while there’s a strong familial component, it’s important we don’t necessarily equate that to solely genetic, mcmurtry said. “social learning is also really critical,” she said. “so, if i, as a child, watch you, my mom, get a needle, and you really don’t do well with that needle, i’ve learned something,” she said. “we can think about the acquisition of fear as observing something negative happening, hearing negative information and also have something negative ourselves happen.”



people who have an unpleasant or negative experience with a needle and syringe when they were a pre-schooler can carry that into adulthood (the canadian immunization schedule recommends more than 20 needles, not including yearly flu shots, before a child reaches the age of 18). but for a long time, children’s pain wasn’t taken nearly as seriously as it should have been, mcmurtry and others said. a needle isn’t just a poke, a little prick, a scratch. “we have a prevailing attitude about it not being important to treat pain, and people just kind of need to suck it up,” said dr. anna taddio, a paediatrician and professor in the university of toronto’s leslie dan faculty of pharmacy. “but that doesn’t work; it doesn’t work when you’re a child to say ‘suck it up’ and, in the long run, it undermines immunization and other healthcare procedures.” if people are made to feel ashamed or ridiculous, as if their problem somehow isn’t legitimate, “they just don’t come,” taddio said. “they don’t show up for the needle.”

in the most extreme cases, people will avoid not just vaccinations but surgery, blood transfusions or intravenous antibiotics. some needle phobic have tried benzodiazepines, anti-anxiety pills like lorazepam, though the drugs aren’t recommended and can make things worse. one ontario man once drove into oncoming lanes of traffic and led police on a kilometres-long chase after he was given lorazepam prescribed by his doctor to deal with his needle phobia. at trial, he described feeling a bit “iffy” after taking the pills just before a blood test — the prescription was for five pills, and the driver had been led to believe he was to take all at once — and then blanking out after he got into his car after the blood draws. he was acquitted of dangerous driving and other charges.



it would be wonderful if injections weren’t necessary at all, but the oral route isn’t a “delivery panacea,” jonathan jarry, of mcgill university’s office for science and society wrote earlier this year . “for one, it’s a long commute.” a swallowed pill must travel from stomach to the intestines and then into the liver before the drug is absorbed into the blood. “in situations where a drug is rapidly needed,” jarry said, “taking the scenic route doesn’t cut it.”

when there’s no way to avoid a needle, there are strategies to reduce the stress. they include deep breathing (slow, deep, regular breaths, or have a child pretend to blow out the candles on a birthday cake or blow up a balloon), distractions (cellphones, toys, bubble wrap) muscle tension exercises (tense or squeeze the muscles in the legs or stomach for 10 to 15 seconds, release for 20 to 30 seconds, repeat until needle is over or until the feeling of faintness passes) and topical anaesthetic creams. all can help reduce anxiety, pain or prevent fainting. so can being vaccinated lying down, which is what robinson did for her two covid-19 vaccines.

“i was more scared of getting covid than i was of this needle, and it didn’t matter if i had to lay on a dirty floor, i was getting this shot no matter what,” she said. the alberta health services mass vaccination clinic she attended had stretchers available behind private, curtained off areas for the needle fearful. “ahs treated me so well,” robinson said.

for extreme cases, exposure-based therapy is considered the gold standard treatment. when people have a really high degree of fear, they’re not going to even make it to the procedure. with exposure therapy, “you gradually, in a controlled way, face your fear head on,” mcmurtry said. people move from the “least scary” — being able to drive past the vaccination site, for example — to the most (watching someone else get a needle, going through all the steps before getting a shot and then actually being injected.)



hamilton, whose mother, father, brother (an internist and emergency physician) and uncle (also a doctor) were all deathly afraid of needles, went to extreme measures with his own “desensitization” program. at first, for an hour a day for a month, he imagined sticking a needle into his forearm veins, then progressed to barely breaking the epidermis, the top layer of the skin, until he was ultimately able to insert the needle into the muscle of his forearm “up to the needle hub.”

hamilton was eventually able to bring himself to have his blood drawn. for the needle phobic, blood tests are one thing. with no cure yet for pandemic covid, the “optimal” intervention to keep the virus from propagating, according to scientific consensus, is vaccination. but getting vaccinated in large spaces while seeing other people getting injected can provoke unique stress-related response for those with needle fear. “it’s not terribly helpful,” taddio said. “a lot want to be vaccinated in private; they want their own calm little spaces.” it’s important to avoid fear cues, she said: they don’t want to see needles on the table; they don’t want to hear certain sounds, and they don’t want interruptions. “creating spaces where you can make people feel serenity, peace, safe, can be helpful to get people through this procedure,” taddio said, especially for children, two-thirds of who fear needles. “you want them to walk away feeling good and feeling happy.” no one, and certainly no child should ever be held down “just so they can ‘just get the needle done with,’” said mcmurtry. “that’s just creating a situation where the child thinks, ‘i can’t trust people. my rights don’t matter.’”



when the centre for addiction and mental health in toronto announced it would host special covid-19 vaccine clinics for the needle phobic or medically anxious featuring dimmed lighting, gym mats in privacy booths, ocean and aquarium videos, word spread quickly. people came from as far as 50 km away.
“what it really told me was that there was a gap in our rollout,” said clinic manager erin ledrew.
“we did not consider how many people are living with these fears.”
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