
the right chemistry: house plants as air purifiers?

plants are important to human life in many ways, but if you are looking for an air purifier, charcoal is a better bet.

by: joe schwarcz, special to the montreal gazette

t he garbage heap of science is filled with ideas and practices that were at one time thought to be on the mark. lobotomies for mental illness, lying immobilized after cataract surgery and bed rest for heart attacks were once common practices. and if you were hospitalized, plants that visitors brought to introduce some cheeriness were routinely removed from the room at night. this was based on the erroneous belief that the plants use up oxygen at night and deplete the oxygen in the air that is available for patients to breathe.

while it is true that plants use up oxygen at night through the process of respiration, the amount is insignificant in comparison to the amount of oxygen contained in air. a visitor breathing in a patient’s room uses up much more oxygen. over a 24-hour period, plants produce more oxygen through photosynthesis than they use up through respiration.
during the day, plants carry out two processes. they photosynthesize and they respire. photosynthesis is perhaps the most critical chemical reaction in the world because without it there would be no life. it is what allows plants to grow, and all life either directly or indirectly depends on plants. through photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and combine it with water to produce glucose, which then serves as the starting material for the biosynthesis of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and the diverse other molecules that make up a plant. as the term implies, “photosynthesis” is dependent on light. (“photo” derives from the greek for light.) it is also dependent on chlorophyll, the green pigment responsible for the absorption of the light that provides the energy needed for photosynthesis. it is often said that chlorophyll, from the greek for “green” and “leaf,” is the most important chemical in the world because without it plants cannot grow. and without plants neither can we.



however, glucose is more than just a starting material for the synthesis of other compounds. through the process of respiration, which is the reverse of photosynthesis, it serves as the fuel needed to produce the energy that powers the plant’s growth. basically the plant “burns” glucose, reacting it with oxygen to yield carbon dioxide and water with the simultaneous release of energy.
when light is available, both photosynthesis and respiration occur, but at night, in the absence of light, there is no photosynthesis. respiration, however, continues, using up oxygen. but the amount used does not make a dent in the amount of oxygen present in air. there is no need to remove plants at night from the room.
there could be a minor concern about cut flowers in a vase, since the water could, in theory, be a breeding ground for bacteria. however, no infections in hospitals have been linked to flowers. and there is no question that flowers can brighten a patient’s mood. in fact, several studies have shown that after surgery patients who have plants or flowers in their room require fewer pain killers, have fewer complaints and recover faster. the greenery does not necessarily have to be in the room. patients with windows that look out onto trees do better than when the windows face a concrete jungle. interestingly, pictures of plants in the room have the same effect as actual plants.



there is another reason people think plants are a good idea. purification of the air! unfortunately, that just isn’t the case. back in the 1980s, a nasa researcher did carry out some studies to investigate methods of removing volatile organic compounds such as formaldehyde or benzene from the air. the concern was that in the enclosed environment of a space capsule some of the plastics used might outgas some troublesome compounds. he did show that some plants did absorb some of these from the air. however, the catch is that those studies were done in a sealed room the size of a space capsule with no air circulation. when similar studies were carried out under realistic conditions such as would be encountered in a home, there was no significant removal of air pollutants. the number of plants needed to purify the air to any significant extent would have to fill the room, leaving no space for any occupants.
if there is a concern about volatile organic compounds, a bag of activated charcoal would rise to the occasion. these work really well for any odour as well as for odourless compounds released by moulds. charcoal has an amazing ability to bind molecules to its surface and activated carbon has a huge surface area because each grain is permeated by microscopic tunnels. once the charcoal becomes saturated with the substances it has adsorbed it ceases to be active, but the good news is that it can be reactivated just by placing it outdoors in the sun for a few hours. the adsorbed materials will be released and the charcoal is then ready to pick up another cargo.



joe schwarcz is director of mcgill university’s office for science & society ( he hosts the dr. joe show on cjad radio 800 am every sunday from 3 to 4 p.m.


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