
unvaxxed sperm in demand by hopeful moms

more and more women looking to have babies are on the h...

more and more women looking to have babies are on the hunt for sperm donors who refused to get vaccinated for covid-19. while getting the jab is a must for many, those who scoffed at the idea have crept into the world of sperm donation.
jonathan david rinaldi, a serial sperm donor who has fathered more than a dozen children in two years, noticed a “massive increase” in requests for sperm from unvaccinated donors.
so he decided to split off from the facebook group, sperm donation usa, to create his own exclusive group, the daily mail reported.
there are almost 250 members in the group and many people have successfully started families, with most donors offering their sperm free of charge.
one woman posted a photo of her positive pregnancy test with the caption: “one more ‘farm-raised,’ ‘not pharma-raised’ baby on its way!”
studies have shown that covid vaccines are safe and there has been no evidence of an increased risk to female fertility.
however, rinaldi and members of rinaldi’s facebook group believe otherwise.
“i don’t trust big government, big pharma, i don’t trust them, and i don’t need to inject myself with things that i don’t even know what it is,” rinaldi told the mail.
while cryos, one of the largest sperm banks in the u.s. told the outlet it has had “very few clients requesting information about unvaccinated donors,” the mail reported an increase of wannabe moms on facebook searching for donors and specifying “no covid vax” in their posts.
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men have also identified themselves with terms like “unvaccinated man (sperm not modified by mrna).”
rinaldi, who was featured last year in a humans of new york post, has three children with his ex-partner and 16 others conceived through sperm donation, according to the mail.

“one lesbian couple drove up from philly and i handed it off to them in the car. not my favorite way to do it, but it...

posted by humans of new york on friday, november 11, 2022
in a “perfect world,” the women he donates sperm to would also be unvaccinated.
rinaldi was considering donating his sperm to one woman until he learned she had received multiple covid shots and was thinking about getting a booster.
“i was like, ‘listen, if you get the booster, i’m not doing this for you. like, it’s bad enough, you have two of them.’”
he explained: “but the reality of it is, not everybody believes in that. not everybody’s educated.”
rinaldi added: “i would love it if no one got vaccinated.”
denette wilford
denette wilford

denette wilford is a multimedia journalist at the toronto sun. she began her career at tv guide canada before going freelance for more than a decade, writing for huffington post, food network, etalk, hgtv, 24 hours toronto, and raptors, leafs and toronto fc magazines until landing at the sun, where aside from writing anything and everything, she also brings you your midday sun newsletter every weekday.

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