
inked during a pandemic: how tattoo artists are coping with strict covid-19 regulations

toronto has released a complex set of guidelines for tattoo shops. here's how they're providing their artistry in a pandemic

after spending months locked in my apartment with the majority of my social contact focused on my partner and my dog, i was finally able to do something i had been planning for months — get a tattoo.i had an appointment set for march, which was quickly and indefinitely rescheduled once the covid-19 pandemic triggered a set of social distancing recommendations. but four months later, i got a message that the shop was ready to begin reopening. i eagerly took a long streetcar trip to the studio in toronto’s beaches shops are typically full of people waiting to get their next piece, walk-ins, and first-timers. but in the middle of the pandemic, the process has changed. i waited outside the studio’s locked door, and had to be let in. then my temperature was checked, and i had to wash my hands. when i finally entered the studio, i was the only client there.
despite the hurdles, the artist was welcoming and the experience was great. and despite both of us having to wear a mask for several hours, it was refreshing to have a conversation with another person for what felt like the first time in, well, the end of june, the city of toronto released a set of guidelines for tattoo shops, outlining the requirements for reopening. among many other rules, masks are mandatory, entering a shop is by appointment only, and any sort of work near someone’s face is own pleasant experience aside, what’s it been like for owners to operate in this new normal?“it’s been pretty bizarre for everybody. managing this and dealing with this new way of life is tough and a challenge,” said jaclyn verhoef, one of the owners of tattoo people in toronto. “our line of work is very personal, very up-close with our clients.”verhoef said that when her studio read through the guidelines, they were worried the extra steps and restrictions would affect the comfort level of their clients.“the environment we have here is very relaxed and friendly, and reading through the guidelines it felt like anything but that,” she said.
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but in practice, verhoef said their clients are just grateful they’re able to get pieces done again. when it reopened, the studio received a flood of appointment requests — some people were even asking for artists to come to their homes beforehand — which showed verhoef that people were willing to abide by extra regulations to finally get it done.valerie tan, an artist at vision seeker studio, said their clients are actually feeling more comfortable thanks to the extra safety measures — especially since tattooing is such a personal process.“the extra things we’re doing make them feel like they’re more safe,” tan said. “we’re more aware of making a safer environment for them.”one hurdle, tan says, is that clients aren’t allowed to bring guests to their appointments. this can be difficult, since most people appreciate having someone to support them through the shops were among the businesses not considered an essential service, and verhoef said the months off gave the studio a lot of time to work out the kinks of reopening, and prevent any possible outbreaks that could cause them to close again.“being told you’re not an essential service, we completely understand, but it really makes you reevaluate everything in life,” she said. “what is our purpose, what are we doing? the months of not being able to do your business, it makes you think a lot.”

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