
what you need to know about rsv right now, from symptoms to treatments

canada's experiencing an early and alarming resurgence of rsv after it almost disappeared during the pandemic. here's what you need to know

with rsv, it’s the younger children who tend to run into trouble requiring medical attention, most often when it’s the first encounter with the virus. getty images
rsv, the virus top of mind for millions of canadian parents, can produce a lot of mucus, and when that mucus starts plugging the lower airways in the lungs, a baby’s breathing gets noisy, like a bad asthma attack. “when we do listen to it with a stethoscope, there’s wheezing, there’s different types of noises and respiratory crackles and some parts of the lungs where the sounds are kind of muffled,” said dr. jesse papenburg, a pediatric infectious diseases physician at montreal’s children’s hospital. rsv, or respiratory syncytial virus, is the most common seasonal respiratory virus detected in canada. nearly all children get it before their second birthday. but canada, like the u.s. and other countries, is experiencing an unseasonably early and alarming resurgence of rsv after a “near total” disappearance during the earlier days of the pandemic. why the surge now, what signs of distress should parents watch for and how can rsv be prevented? the national post spoke with papenburg about these, and other questions parents are asking. his responses, below, have been edited for clarity and length.

why is rsv activity so intense now?

the usual season in canada generally runs somewhere between november and april, with peak activity in the mid-winter months. rsv began circulating in quebec in the late summer. as september hit, the positivity rates shot up in montreal and quebec. the rest of the country has followed suit with this early and intense rsv season.
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there was practically no rsv circulating during the 2020-21 winter. there was just a greater proportion of individuals who were susceptible to the infection. not just young kids who might never have encountered an rsv infection in the first year of life, or the first two years of life because there was less rsv circulating, but just, overall. pre-school-aged kids and elementary school kids for whom it had been longer since their last infection. we know that we get multiple rsv infections over the course of our life, and each time we get infected it boosts our antibody levels up, and we become immune to infection for a certain period. as those antibody levels wane, and as the virus changes over time, we become susceptible again.
once rsv entered canadian communities it was easier for it to be transmitted because there were just more people who were susceptible to infection.
last year we also had an early, intensive rsv season that was finished by the beginning of january. but we also had measures in place then to try and curb the spread of omicron that may have contributed to the relatively short burst of rsv activity we had last year.

how is rsv spread, and who’s most vulnerable?

it’s the younger ones who tend to run into trouble requiring medical attention, most often when it’s the first encounter with the virus. it’s that first encounter with the virus that is most likely to lead to an infection going down into the lungs and not being contained in the upper respiratory tract. in other words, not just being a cold, but getting down into the lungs and causing either bronchiolitis (inflammation and congestion in the small airways, the bronchioles, of the lungs) or pneumonia.

rsv is spread like other respiratory viruses, primarily through droplets that are in our respiratory secretions — when somebody coughs, those droplets can go up to about two metres — and direct contact with contaminated objects (door knobs, toys, surfaces). and not just inanimate objects. (rsv can survive 30 minutes or more on unwashed hands, according to

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what does an infection look like?

the typical infection starts off with respiratory tract symptoms, symptoms you’d associate with a common cold. runny nose, congestion, sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, sore throat, sometimes an ear infection. there can be fever, but it’s not classic, the way a fever is with influenza. if there is a fever, it tends to be more of a low-grade fever. it’s not a predominant symptom.
the airways in the lungs of babies and young infants are narrower. so if the virus gets into the lungs, and secretions start to accumulate in those airways, that’s when they can run into some difficulty with breathing.

what are the symptoms to look out for?

you might start seeing fast breathing. you can hear wheezing sometimes. and you can see that they’re working harder to breathe. their nostrils are flaring; you can see in-drawing (indentations, or caving in) in the space between their ribs and just below their rib cage, meaning their respiratory muscles are working harder. these are worrisome signs that we would say the child should be evaluated for medical attention.
sometimes infants are working so hard to breathe that they can’t feed, so they’re not drinking as well. that means that they can become dehydrated. that you’d notice by them having less energy overall, and less frequent wet diapers, or their diapers aren’t as heavy, so the urine output is trailing off. that’s also another worrisome sign that requires medical attention. and in the youngest ones, especially in the first month of life, rsv can sometimes manifest as long respiratory pauses, or apnea.



once it gets from the upper airways and into the lungs is when it causes trouble in young kids.

how is severe rsv treated?

if the child’s oxygen saturation is diminished, then we provide oxygen. sometimes we might require more respiratory support in terms of not just providing oxygen, but also some pressure to help them to breathe. sometimes that can be with a mask. sometimes the worst cases will require mechanical ventilation, putting a tube down into the trachea and having a machine mechanically ventilate the child.
sometimes they might require a nasal-gastric tube or iv line to help hydrate them.

can most rsv infections be managed at home?

even in the first year of life, when a child does get a bronchiolitis, only one to two per cent require hospitalization. the vast majority of children can be managed at home. fortunately, in developed countries, mortality due to rsv infections is very uncommon. the vast majority of deaths are in children who have severe underlying medical conditions that put them at risk for more complicated viral respiratory infections.
parents should encourage hydration. saline rinses or saline drops can help with secretions in young babies. their nose can be so congested. but there’s no magic recipe. it’s really just helping them to ride it out.

how can the spread of rsv be limited?



frequent hand-washing, avoiding coming into contact with people if we have cold-like symptoms, wearing a mask if you do have any symptoms and must come into contact with somebody else. especially for our youngest kids, we try and avoid them being in contact with people who are symptomatic.
there is currently no vaccine available for the prevention of rsv, though there are some under development, and close to potentially being commercialized and authorized for use.
for children who are at very high risk of a complicated rsv infection because of an underlying medical condition, such as being born very prematurely, or having a congenital heart disease or a chronic lung disease, there is a monoclonal antibody injection that’s given once a month during the months rsv is circulating that has been shown to reduce the risk of hospitalization in these very high-risk infants by roughly half.
our emergency room is still dealing with this tsunami of viral respiratory infection, for which rsv is certainly the leading cause. but it seems in montreal that rsv may be plateauing. what we’re dealing with now is a really quite dramatic uptick in influenza cases. (like the elderly) children under two years of age are at high risk of influenza hospitalization.



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