
canadians have strong trust in doctors and scientists: survey

a new survey suggests more than eight in 10 canadians trust doctors and nearly eight in 10 trust scientists.

the survey asked how canadians felt about doctors and scientists. getty
ottawa — canadians appear to still have solid faith in doctors and scientists nearly six months into the covid-19 pandemic.a new survey done for proof strategies over the labour day weekend suggests more than eight in 10 canadians trust doctors and nearly eight in 10 trust scientists.that shows little change from the levels of trust recorded in a similar survey from the beginning of may, and remains higher than the levels recorded by the same survey taken in january.provincial premiers also seem to be earning more trust from their constituents than they were before the pandemic, though only about half as many canadians as those who trust doctors and in prime minister justin trudeau, however, fell from 39 per cent to 32 per cent between may and surveys cannot be assigned a margin of error as they are not random and therefore are not necessarily representative of the whole population.
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