
eastern ontario reports summer's first human case of west nile

the eastern ontario health unit has confirmed the summe...

eastern ontario reports summer's first human case of west nile virus. file photo / postmedia
the eastern ontario health unit has confirmed the summer’s first human case of west nile virus in the region.
while there have been no pools of virus-carrying mosquitoes detected in the eohu (roughly from cornwall in the sough up to the hawkesbury area), the new case shows the virus is present.
west nile virus is spread to humans by the bite of an infected mosquito.
while west virus can provoke serious illness in some people, for most people, the risk of illness from west nile virus is low.
residents are urged to take the following precautions:
  • use federally registered insect repellents, such as those containing deet or icaridin.
  • wear light-coloured clothing, long sleeves, pants and socks when outside.
  • avoid being outside at dusk and dawn, as mosquitoes are the most active at that time.
  • ensure that all containers in or around the yard like tires, pool covers, saucers for flowerpots, wading pools and children’s toys are regularly emptied of standing water.
  • ensure that screens, windows and doors are fully sealed to prevent mosquitoes from entering the house.
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