miljan warns, however, that “it’s a risk going to the polls, especially this early.”
federally, however, miljan said she’s “never seen a governing party this far behind in the polls where they could turn it around.” after nearly a decade as prime minister, “people are just tuning out” justin trudeau, she said, calling it “trudeau derangement syndrome.”
in an early-december projection,
338canada, a national poll aggregator, predicted a conservative landslide win if a federal election were held now, with the governing liberals perhaps even in threat of losing opposition party status to the bloc quebecois.
“the liberals are in a tough position,” said miljan. she doesn’t believe trump will be a strong consideration at the canadian ballot box, rather it will be “carbon taxes and the cost of living. if the question is, ‘are you better off than four years or nine years ago?’ the answer is: ‘no.'”
running any election is a massive and expensive undertaking — political parties do not like to have two of them running even close in time to each other.
trudeau might not have a choice. his minority federal liberal government needs an opposition party’s support to continue in power.
but while ford still has a year and a half to go in his current mandate, “reading the tea leaves, i’d say doug ford would prefer an ontario election before a federal election,” said miljan.