
avian flu animal health order extended into november

the canadian food inspection agency says 14 flocks in the province are experiencing outbreaks, affecting an estimated 265,000 birds.

an animal health control area order set to expire on friday has been extended into next month, thanks to a continued risk of avian influenza in saskatchewan’s flocks. the order was issued by saskatchewan’s chief veterinary officer on sept. 21 in response to outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza — commonly known as bird flu — on poultry farms in the province. 
it forbids the transport of birds to any event where animals would come together from multiple locations, such as auctions, shows or agricultural fairs. avian flu can affect commercially raised animals like chickens and turkeys, as well as wild or pet birds.
according to a release from the province on wednesday, the order, which is in place to help reduce risk of disease transmission between flocks, has been extended until nov. 17 due to continued outbreaks.
wild birds are thought to be the primary spreaders of the virus, which means the risk of the disease spreading will remain high for the remainder of the fall migration season. that typically occurs until mid-november.
the canadian food inspection agency reported on its website that as of monday, 14 flocks in the province were experiencing outbreaks, affecting an estimated 265,000 birds.
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information on how to protect flocks and recognize the disease is available at
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