
baby girl the first birth of 2023 in windsor

windsor parents ashley mears and nicolass bessem are th...

baby girl the first birth of 2023 in windsor
parents ashley mears and nicolass bessem welcomed their fourth child and windsorÕs first 2023 baby in the early morning hours of january 1, 2023. the family is still deciding on the babyÕs name. (photo courtesy of windsor regional hospital/windsor star) windsor regional hospital / windsor star
windsor parents ashley mears and nicolass bessem are the proud parents of the city’s first baby of 2023, hospital officials said sunday. the family’s fourth child, a beautiful baby girl weighing 8 pounds 1 ounce, arrived at 1:24 a.m. on jan. 1.
the family is taking some time to choose the right name from a few they have in mind, mears and bessem said.
 parents ashley mears and nicolass bessem welcomed their fourth child and windsor’s first 2023 baby in the early morning hours of january 1, 2023. the family is still deciding on the baby’s name. (photo courtesy of windsor regional hospital/windsor star)
parents ashley mears and nicolass bessem welcomed their fourth child and windsor’s first 2023 baby in the early morning hours of january 1, 2023. the family is still deciding on the baby’s name. (photo courtesy of windsor regional hospital/windsor star) jpg
in addition to the new baby, the family has two daughters and a son.
“the delivery was a little rough, but the staff here at windsor regional hospital were fantastic,” mears said. “the nurses have been great! we couldn’t be happier!”


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