
bill 96 will impede access to health care in english, legal experts warn

the main issue with the bill is that "for the first time, it prohibits certain communications," said montreal lawyer eric maldoff.

in the wake of a protest that saw thousands march in the streets of montreal saturday to denounce bill 96, premier françois legault and simon jolin-barrette, his minister responsible for french, held separate press conferences this week to assure the anglophone community that access to health care in their language will not be affected. legault accused his critics of spreading “disinformation.”
a growing chorus of quebec legal experts, health services advocates and patients’ rights groups, however, are warning there is little in the bill that clearly guarantees continued rights to health care and social services in english, and much that poses a threat.
“to say there’s nothing here to worry about doesn’t seem to me to reflect what people are seeing in the text of the legislation,” said robert leckey, dean of the faculty of law at mcgill university.
“does any other province forbid a german-speaking doctor and a german-speaking patient, or a german-speaking social worker and a german-speaking client … from speaking in a language in which they could best communicate? that’s what i’m concerned about.”
the main issue with bill 96 is that “for the first time, it prohibits certain communications,” said eric maldoff, a montreal lawyer and chair of the coalition for quality health and social services, which advocates for better access to care. “it’s one thing to legislate that certain communication is required, like everyone is entitled to be served in french. but to go the next step and say nobody can be treated in another language except if the law permits it is a completely different story.”
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the bill mandates all members of quebec’s civil administration, from licence bureau workers to nursing home staff, to be “exemplary” and use exclusively french in written and oral communications with their clients, with certain exceptions. on monday, jolin-barrette said anglophones’ concerns are unfounded, in part because an amendment adopted in february spells out that bill 96 doesn’t usurp section 15 of the act respecting health services and social services, and thus guarantees the english community the right to obtain those services in english.
but maldoff notes the amendment’s language is vague, and seems to pertain more to health-care emergencies than day-to-day operations, long-term care or special needs. nor does it cover segments like youth services or mental health care — areas in which clear communication between health professionals and their clients is essential.
from a legal standpoint, the amendment looks as though it may only apply to narrow, case-by-case exceptions, leckey said in a series of tweets he posted wednesday.
“the exception for health may be interpreted narrowly — even limited to situations of life and death,” he wrote.
maldoff noted that section 15 of the health act guarantees access to care in english, but only “in keeping with the organizational structure and human, material and financial resources of the institutions.”
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since bill 96 stipulates an employer must not impose a requirement of having to know a second language as a prerequisite for obtaining a job unless they can prove there’s an actual need, there’s an increased chance that fewer people who can speak english or other languages will be hired, maldoff said.
“it raises the question of what does that mean, an ‘actual need’ — does that mean the nurse five floors away is sufficient to cover the problem?” he asked. “and who decides?”
bill 96 also allows for third-party denunciations of public employees who are seen to be violating its provisions, such as communicating in a language other than french when not required. faced with the prospect of disciplinary measures that could include suspension or dismissal, health-care and social-services workers may be frightened to speak in english, maldoff said.
giving the office québécois de la langue française the right to carry out searches without warrants to check in what language services are being provided “presents a very serious risk, not only for anglos but for francos, that the privacy of their medical records, everything, will be compromised,” said constitutional lawyer julius grey.
“i think there will be a constant pressure to go further and push french more. in the end, i think the government would like it to be as difficult to get services in english here as it is to get services in french in saskatchewan.”
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there is also no guarantee that new immigrants to quebec will be able to access health care in their language six months after they arrive, grey noted. the reform of quebec’s language charter proposes that public services including health care be offered in french only to immigrants once they have been in the province for six months. last month a coalition of doctors and health-care providers warned the legislation “could put people’s lives at risk or have negative mental impacts if enforced.”
faced with a deluge of imposed bureaucratic obstacles, including having to prove the need to hire workers with a knowledge of english or other languages, “many institutions, which are already overburdened and overwhelmed, will be less likely to even try,” maldoff said.
bill 96 also appears to state that services are guaranteed for “historic anglophones,” which has been defined by legault and others as those who are eligible for english-language education in quebec, maldoff said. this means 300,000 to 500,000 of the province’s 1.1 million residents who feel more comfortable receiving health-care services in english may no longer be eligible to do so, he said.
patient advocate seeta ramdass, a member of the family advisory forum patients’ committee of the montreal children’s hospital, said the way in which patients communicate, particularly as they age, is among the most important clinical indicators that health-care providers use to determine their status. impeding their ability to communicate in the language in which they are most at ease “contravenes the mission of the health ministry to provide safe, inclusive and optimal care to all members of quebec society.”
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advocates are calling for health and social services to be exempted from bill 96, or for the rights of patients to be guaranteed within the act to amend the french-language charter, which is expected to be put to a vote in the national assembly before the legislature breaks for the summer.
if the bill passes as is, grey predicted overall services will diminish, which will increase the chances of symptoms and issues going untreated, leading to more health issues and greater costs.
“no one wins from bill 96,” he said. “there will be no one in four years who feels better — neither francophones or anglophones or allophones. everybody’s a loser.”
rené bruemmer
rené bruemmer

rené bruemmer is a montreal native who covers mainly municipal affairs and social issues for the gazette, with forays into covid-19, health care, haiti and outdoor ice rinks. he has been at the paper for more than two decades.

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